"I do not! I just, um, was overthinking."

"That's the same thing," he pointed out.

"Hmph, whatever. Now I'm mentally drained." I sighed, feeling exhausted.I'd spent all night worrying and thinking, and Hunter didn't even have a worry?

"You remember who you are now?" he whispered, his voice hinting at his concern.

"Oh. Yes. I think I was half asleep or something." I brushed it off, not wanting him to worry himself.Not like I remember what I dreamed about. I really need to work on writing them down or something.

He was quiet for a few seconds and inhaled deeply, letting the air out at a gradual pace. "I've missed you, Cutie Pie."

I turned slightly in his embrace, just so I could see his sad eyes, and I immediately pressed my lips against his. He gripped the material of my orange tank top that was slightly lifted thanks to my twisted position.

I broke the kiss to reply. "I missed you more, Hunter. Why aren't you upset though, and why did you and Theo have an argument?"

"I was frustrated at the situation you and Orion were in. I won't lie that the blessed mark thing didn't bother me, but your life was more important than a mark. You've been caught up in the Trials and studies. You barely get time to sleep and eat properly. I couldn't be selfish and get upset that I didn't get a lot of time to spend with you."

He moved his free hand to play with my ponytail while he continued.

"I understand the general concept of shifters, and I figured you're close to Orion and Finn because your elements are similar. I also don't mind if I'm not in that role as your first person to go to if something is seriously bothering you. It’s a natural response, and I shouldn't have expectations that you'll come to me for everything. None of the other guys should either."

"As for Theo and I...he's just been annoying. I could kind of guess why, but I wasn't in the mood that day, and I just kind of snapped. I'm not very good at sharing my emotions with everyone. Caio and Cairus tried, but I didn't want to burden them."

"Your worries aren't a burden," I whispered.

"That's because you're our girlfriend, Cutie Pie. It’s different when I tell you versus the others. I'm okay with telling Finn stuff because he's been my friend for years, and Pixies are just good listeners. I think it's something about their aura that makes them more approachable. Orion has a similar feel to him."

"Can you tell me why you were annoyed?" I knew it was his brother's death anniversary, but I wanted to hear it from him. He looked away and seemed hesitant for a moment, but he replied anyway. "My brother died this very day all those years ago. I asked for today off because I don't do well. I mean, I don't function well." He obviously struggled to find the right words.

"With my parents not really involved in my life much, it's kind of difficult for me to connect with anyone on this day, aside from Finn. He normally remembers, but the Trial and news about his family's death were already too much on him. Didn't want to nag him for support. Finn knows I try to stay away from people and do my own thing. That's how I cope, but Theo was being loud and asking all these dumb questions about why you weren't back yet, and I couldn't stand it. If it were any other day, I would, but not the day before today," Hunter confessed.


"I shouldn't have gotten mad." He stared into my eyes and I could see his regret.

"It's not your fault. I'm sure if you two talked it out, it wouldn't be a big deal. We'll deal with it tomorrow, together," I suggested.

"We're going to see him?" he asked.

"Yes. I told the others I'd spend today with you and tomorrow with Theo. Orlando granted me a week off thanks to my mother's interference. My goal is to at least patch things with everyone and get you guys all caught up. Um, a lot happened."

"You're okay though, right? Magnor said you got injured during your fight with Odion."

"Yes, I'm fine. Harrison healed the wound while I was sleeping."

"Who's Harrison?"

"Oh...he's well...my...uh...dad?"

Hunter was silent as he blinked at me. "Celestia, are you confused again?"

I groaned and shook my head. "No! Ugh, it's a long story, but I have four dads."


"Orlando, Harrison, Hellsin, and Magnor."

"Magnor's your REAL dad? On second thought, Hellsin? 8'5" tall Hellsin? How...no that's just disturbing to think about." Hunter shivered, and I giggled.