Page 101 of Dead to the World

“That’s how her blood ended up in the woods.”

Phaedra wiped a tear from her cheek. “Mother left it there on purpose. She thought it would help with the animal attack theory that was being spread around.”

“And then Ashley happened to cross their path?”

“Kelsey was at Monk’s and saw Ashley talking to a guy she liked. He was about thirty-five, and it enraged Kelsey that he’d be hitting on someone Ashley’s age.”

“But instead of taking it out on him, she decided to take it out on Ashley.”

“Two birds, one stone, as far as Kelsey was concerned. We had a ready-made sacrifice for the Strawberry Supermoon, which Mother said would guarantee domestication. She decided the previous full moons lacked the necessary power.” Phaedra felt for the bump on her head. “It was Kelsey who knocked me out and chained me up. She always does Mother’s bidding.” Phaedra struggled to her feet.

“What about Anya Swanson? Was she just a diversion?”

Phaedra nodded. “Yes. Mother hates vampires. She was determined to keep the focus on them, at least until after the sacrifice tonight.”

“Well, there was a sacrifice. Just not the one they intended.”

Her face contorted. “Are they all dead?”

I nodded. “I’m sorry.”

Phaedra clamped a hand over her mouth and stifled a cry.

“It happened quickly, if it helps.”

Her eyes misted over. “But Ashley is okay.”

“She is. Can I ask why you were away all those months?”

“I’d been unhappy here for most of my life,” she admitted. “I didn’t like the way my family talked about humans, like they were walking pieces of garbage. I worried it was me, that maybe I was too sensitive.” She bit her lower lip. “That’s what Mother always said anyway, that I was too sensitive. That I cared too much about creatures that were inferior to us.”

“So, you wanted to create distance between you.”

Phaedra wiped a runaway tear. “I figured if I spent time away, with other people, that I might get a different perspective.” She paused. “And, boy, did I.”

“Why come home then? Why not stay away?”

“Because I thought I could change them. Foolish, I know. How could I expect to undo a lifetime of damage?”

“You tried, and that’s the important part.”

“Not hard enough. They’re dead now, and so are other innocent people. Maybe I could’ve stopped it.”

“You did try to stop it, remember? That’s how you ended up in here.” And it saved her life.

Phaedra closed her eyes. “The beast is gone. At least that will make running the farm easier.”

“Are you sure you’ll want to stay? This is a big place for one woman.”

She smiled at me. “It is. Got any tips?”

I slid an arm underneath her and helped her to the house. “Will you be okay on your own?” I asked, as she opened the kitchen door.

“Yes, thank you. For everything. I’m in your debt.”

I walked back to the pond to dispose of the monster’s corpse. I was relieved none of the witches’ spirits appeared before me. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with their ghosts.

Kane stood with his hands in his pockets, assessing the scene as though admiring a painting in a gallery.