Page 100 of Dead to the World

“I can’t thank you enough for saving me,” Ashley said.

I pivoted to face her. It was a miracle she was unharmed. Nana Pratt never would’ve forgiven me if I failed to rescue her.

“How did you know what that thing was?” Ashley asked.

I glanced at what was left of the flaming carcass. “Let’s just say I know a thing or two about living nightmares.” I dipped my hand into my front pocket. “I believe this belongs to you.”

Tears filled Ashley’s eyes. “My bracelet.”

“Steven loaned it to me to help find you.”

A quiet gasp escaped her. “My brother asked you to find me?”

“He’s been so worried, Ashley. He never gave up hope.”

She threw her arms around my neck and squeezed me to the point of choking. I quickly extricated myself from her uncomfortable embrace. It was awkward enough being hugged by people I knew; strangers were on another level.

“Hey, Kane, would you mind making yourself useful and escorting Ashley home? You know where she lives.”

“I believe I made myself useful more than once this evening.”

Despite his words, he covered Ashley with his suit jacket. “We’ll take the Bridgers’ vehicle,” he said. “They certainly won’t be needing it anytime soon.”

I could think of one Bridger who might. As they walked away, I returned to the barn to free Phaedra. The witch was fully awake now, although the pained expression on her face suggested a massive headache—and heartache.

She directed me to the key, and I unlocked the chains. Once free, she collapsed in a grateful heap. “I heard the commotion, but I couldn’t tell what was happening. Did you save her?”


She rubbed her wrists. “I didn’t know until today, I swear. I would’ve told you before, when you were here.”

“I believe you.”

Phaedra leaned her head against the wooden post. “They started with a Jin Chan.”

“What’s that?”

“Basically a money frog. It was supposed to attract wealth.”

“Did it?”

“We won the lottery. It wasn’t very much though. Mother was furious. When they told me the stupid frog ate the turtles in the pond, I was devastated, but I knew the farm needed money, so I let it go.”

“What happened to the frog?”

“It got eaten by something bigger.”

“The culebrón?”

“Yes. The frog was Mother’s first sacrifice. After she summoned the culebrón, she thought offering a sacred mythological creature would be enough to tame it, so it would bring us money.” She paused. “Is it dead?”


Her mouth formed a thin line. “Good. I was so horrified when they told me what they’d been doing. They weren’t even ashamed. They said it like it was the most natural thing in the world, to sacrifice people for their own personal gain.” She grimaced. “Georgia was my friend. She worked here for years.”

“Georgia? The brownie?”

She nodded. “It ate all the other animals too. And Officer Lindley. That one hadn’t been planned. The culebrón had broken through the ward again and escaped. Officer Lindley spotted it in the woods at the same time Mother and Aunt Brenda tracked it down. Mother took the opportunity to make use of her.”