Page 102 of Dead to the World

“How did you get back here so quickly?”

“Demon speed,” he said vaguely.

“Where was that demon speed when the fight started? Nice of you to show up at the last possible minute, by the way,” I said.

“You told me to stay back.”

I arched an eyebrow. “And you listened?”

“You’re welcome.”

I gave him a long look. “I didn’t know you carried a concealed weapon.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

“I know that you carry a cool sword.”

“I don’t carry it. It’s mystical. Comes and goes at will.”

“Its will or yours?”

“Mine.” His gaze raked over me. I must’ve looked very glamorous, with guts in my hair and blood smudges on my cheek. “Who taught you how to fight monsters?”

“I was born female. It comes with the ovaries.”

Kane smiled at that. “I don’t think fighting the culebrón is quite the same.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Are you sure you run a nightclub?”

“I wouldn’t have expected you to become so invested in one mortal girl.”

“I told you; I made a deal with her brother.”

“Yes, but what you’re denying to yourself is that you cared.” He cocked his head, assessing me. “You cared whether Ashley lived or died. You didn’t want her to be sacrificed.”

“And you did?” I rolled my eyes. “Oh, wait. I forgot who I was talking to. Of course you didn’t care. You’re a big, bad demon with a heart of coal. You only intervened for the sake of business.”

He ignored me. “You care because Ashley could’ve been you. A young woman who slipped through the cracks of society and met an untimely demise.”

“Ashley didn’t deserve the gruesome fate that the witches intended for her. She’s made mistakes, but nothing so bad that she can’t come back from.”

“The witches won’t be coming back from their mistake, I see.” Kane observed the creature’s corpse. “I’m surprised it hasn’t dissolved into black goo or something equally horrible.”

“Help me push it into the pond.”

“That’s your plan? Contaminate the water supply with mystical germs?”

“Do you have a better one? I can’t exactly call the police.”

“I’ll take care of it,” he said.

My eyebrows inched up. “You will?”

“I have demons in my service that will make short work of this.” He waved a hand airily at the large body.

I decided it was best not to know the details. “What’s in it for you?”

He frowned, as though the answer surprised him. “Absolutely nothing.”