Page 110 of Blue Collar Babes

Guess this conversation is happening.



I don’t know what has come over me, but I am past caring about the consequences of crossing this line with Quinn. I spent all night in bed, trying to be rational while thinking everything over and no matter how hard I tried to convince myself to stay away, I kept coming back to the same thing.

I want her.

I want Quinn Donnelly more than I have ever wanted any woman in my life. I don’t know what it is, but there is something about the fiery redhead that calls to me on a level even I don’t understand. It’s infuriating to say the least. But I’m done fighting it.

Footsteps on the tiled floor has my head snapping up and landing on the bane of my existence. My eyes rake over every inch of her body. From the tips of her toes to the top of her head. She wears a pair of my sweats and a shirt, that I laid out for her, so that she didn’t have to put on last night’s clothes after her shower. Though they nearly swallow her whole, they look good on her, and I can’t help the feeling of possessiveness that slithers through me or the fact I like seeing her in my clothes.

Quinn comes to a stop, shifting on her feet. I lean against the counter, arms crossed over my chest as I watch her with narrowed eyes. Wanting to ease some of the tension, I clear my throat, jerking my head to the coffee machine as I say, “I made coffee. Do you take cream and sugar?” I frown when I realize I don’t know this bit of information even though she has been working for me, for well over two months now.

She smiles timidly, pulling out a stool and taking a seat. “Thanks. Umm, yes to both.” I nod, pouring two cups of coffee. Then moving to the breakfast counter, I drop the mug down in front of her before taking a seat across from her. “Thank you. I needed this.” She blushes, no doubt as she remembers her drunken antics from last night. She doesn’t need to be embarrassed. We have all been there.

Studying her, my eyes rake over her stunning face. I take in her long sooty lashes, green eyes, the cute tip of her nose. She really is beautiful and even more so without makeup. To be honest, I should get an award for holding out for as long as I did.

“I like you,” I blurt before I can stop myself. Pausing, she blinks. Then blinks again. Her eyes widen, mouth drops open in what can only be described as shock. I chuckle at her reaction. It’s cute. Did she really not know I was feeling some kind of way toward her? Scrubbing a palm down my face, I shake my head at the way I just divulged this information. I should have eased her into it. Not just let the words burst out of me like an idiot. Maybe I read the situation wrong, and Quinn really only does see me as her boss. I’m a fucking idiot. “Shit. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. Just forget what I said. I don’t want to make things awkward when you come to work.”

A giggle bursts from her mouth and I pause, watching her. “It’s about time you pulled that stick out of your ass.”

I frown, repeating her words. “That stick?”

She nods, happiness sparking in her green eyes. “Yeah, you’re so serious all the time. I mean, I know building houses can be stressful and you have even more pressure on your shoulders because it’s your company. But it doesn’t mean you have to be a grumpy ass.”

I stare at her, perplexed. Is that how I have been coming across? Is that how she sees me? “I don’t know what to say to that,” I admit on a laugh.

Quinn shakes her head, a smile on her face as she takes a sip of coffee. She glances at me. Her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink as she sighs out, “I thought you hated me.”

“Not at all. I just didn’t know how to handle these… feelings I had for you,” I admit.

“I like you too. I don’t know why. I just do. I think my feelings started not long after I started working for you. It's weird really. I never expected to like anyone after my ex. Let alone my best friend’s brother.” Her voice is soft and full of confusion as if she has no clue as to why she feels this way toward me.

“Glad we are on the same page. I want to take you out on a date.” I grin, getting straight to the point.

She smiles. “I would like that. But how are things going to work what with me working for you? What if things don’t work out? I need this job.”

I blow out a breath, knowing these are all valid questions. But Quinn needs to have faith. I have every intention of making this work. Now that I have her, I never plan on letting her go.

Determination laces my voice as I say, “Don’t you worry about that. I have a feeling everything is going to work out exactly as it should.”



It’s been two months of absolutedating Davisbliss. Two months of me, making any excuse to go to the site he is currently working at just so I can see him. I can’t get enough, and neither can he. And I have never been happier. I never knew a relationship could be this way—easy, nontoxic. It’s amazing.

Unable to keep secrets from Karissa, of course I told her about me and Davis. She was weirded out at first but having seen us together and how happy we are, she conceded and told me that she thinks we are perfect together. Even with a twelve-year age gap.

I can admit that I have completely fallen for my boss. In fact, I am totally in love with Davis. And I think he feels the same—Well, I hope he does.

“Quinn?” Davis calls as he pushes through his front door, after being at work all day. Pushing up from my seat, I head into the hallway to greet him. With a hand on the wall, and his brows furrowed, he kicks out of his steel toe cap work boots. I smile at the sight. My man, in blue jeans and a black T-shirt that molds to every perfect inch of him. He doesn’t even realize how hot he looks and that makes me love him more.

As if sensing my stare, he glances up, his eyes locking on mine. Straightening, his brow cocks, a smirk forming on his gorgeous lips as if he knows exactly what I was just thinking. “Like what you see?” he teases with a wink.

I grin. “You know I do,boss.How was your day at work?”