He chuckles, shaking his head as he closes the distance between us and takes me in his arms. “Good. Made some real progress today but I missed you.”
Pushing up on my tiptoes, I press my lips to his. “You saw me a couple hours ago when I brought your lunch.” I cock a questioning brow. “You fucked me in the new bathroom you were fitting. Remember?”
Leaning in, he licks a trail up my neck before his hot breath hits my ear. I shiver, my stomach tightening with need. “Oh, I remember. Clive, the electrician, nearly caught me balls deep inside you. But there is no risk of that now, so get your sexy ass upstairs. I want to wash the day off me then fuck you in the shower.”
“Yes please,” I say breathlessly.
Pulling back, he looks down at me with a smug smirk. “Good girl. You can’t get enough of my cock can you.” It’s not a question but a fact. I can’t get enough.
“Take me upstairs, Davis. I need you.”
Dropping a kiss to my lips, he starts for the stairs. “Your wish is my command, baby.”
Quinn finally decided to move in with me. Though I asked her months ago, she declined my offer and stayed at her parents’. It irritated me to no end, not having her with me, in my space, but she insisted we needed the time to just date. To get to know each other better and not rush into things.
It was our eight-month anniversary yesterday and her gift to me was a packed suitcase with a note that said.
At least I will no longer have to commute to work.Yes, I will move in with you Davis. I love you.x
To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. I have never been so happy in my life as I am with Quinn. She brings out the best in me. Makes me a better man. She completes me. I know with everything in me that she is the other half of my soul and the woman I am meant to be with.
“Quinn?” I call out as I step inside our home. I am covered in dust, adhesive and God knows what else, and all I want to do is wash the day away with my woman in the shower.
“In the kitchen.” The sound of her soft voice warms my chest and makes me smile. Toeing off my work boots, I place them down by the door, then make my way to her.
Stopping in the doorway, I grin. Quinn stands at the stove, stirring something in a pot.
Closing the distance between us, I wrap my arms around her waist and press a kiss to the side of her neck. “What’re you doing?”
She glances back at me, chewing that full bottom lip of hers. “Making you dinner.”
“Is that right? What are you making?”
She sighs. “Meatballs and sauce. I think I added too much salt though.”
“Let me taste.”
Lifting the big wooden spoon, she cups a hand underneath as she brings it to my mouth. I blow at the sauce, cooling it some before taking a tentative taste. “Well?” she asks, and I hear the worry in her voice.
“Not bad,” I say honestly.
Her green eyes light up, joy spreading on her beautiful face. “Really?”
I nod before pressing a kiss to her head. “Really. Now turn it off. I need a shower and I want you with me.”
She chuckles, rolling her eyes in faux annoyance. “Yes, boss. Give me a minute. I will meet you up there.”
Capturing her lips in mine, I give her a bruising kiss before pulling back. “You’ve got five minutes. If you’re not naked and in the shower by then, I will come and find you.”
Quinn barks out a laugh, shaking her head. Turning in my arms, she pushes up on her tiptoes and presses her lips to mine. “Maybe I want you to find me,” she teases.
“If that’s the case, be my guest and hide. But be warned, when I find you, your ass is mine.” I feel my cock thicken in my jeans at the thought of hunting her down.
Her green orbs dilate with desire, and she exhales a breath. “Another time. I want you now Davis.”