Page 109 of Blue Collar Babes

After dropping my sister off, I ask Quinn for directions to her parents’ house. She is so drunk; her words are incoherent and before I can make sense of them, she falls asleep.

Running a palm down my face, I decide I have two choices. One, I can turn around and take her back to my sister’s. The problem with this option is, if I know Karissa like I think I do, she will already be passed out. There is also a small part of me that doesn’t want to take her back there. It’s completely irrational of me, but that doesn’t make it any less real.

My second option is, I can bring her to my house. It’s a bad idea and shouldn’t have even crossed my mind but for some reason it is the one that makes most sense. I will feel better knowing she is close by when she is so intoxicated and that I can at least look after her if she gets sick. I nod to myself. Yeah. I will do that. It’s not me being a creep. I’m being a gentleman. Just looking out for my employee. It’s what any nice guy would do. I’m sure of it.

A little while later, I pull up in my garage and park. Climbing out, I round the vehicle and gently pull a sleeping Quinn into my arms. Making my way inside, I stare down at her. She looks so beautiful and peaceful in sleep. Like an angel. Not being able to help myself, I lean down, dropping a kiss to her forehead. She stirs slightly, murmuring my name. I freeze, questioning whether she did say it or it’s wishful thinking. I shake my head. No. She did. I heard my name from her lips as clear as day.

Studying her mouth, I wait with bated breath for her to say it again, but she doesn’t. Sighing, I take a step forward only to stop when she shifts and snuggles into me further. Pulling her further into my chest, I hold her tighter, never wanting to let her go. She feels so right in my arms. So right, yet this whole situation is so wrong. I shouldn’t be looking at her in this way, but I can’t stop. It’s like my body and soul have decided she is going to be mine and they are just waiting for my mind to catch up. Fuck. How did I get myself into this mess?

Shaking my head, I move farther into the house and make my way upstairs to the guest bedroom. Kicking the door open, I walk to the bed and shifting her into one arm, I pull the comforter back with my free hand before gently placing her down and covering her with the blanket.

I watch her for a long beat, waiting for any sign that she might get sick. But she just sleeps peacefully, without a care in the world, and unaware of the fact her boss is staring at her like a creeper.

Scrubbing a palm down my face, I briefly wonder why this woman—out of all the women in the world—has intrigued me so much. I really don’t know of the whys but maybe it’s time I just embrace it. Would it be so bad? Her and me? I don’t know but there seems to be an attraction and maybe we should just explore it. Worst case and if things go wrong, she has to get another job.

With that in mind, I grin, knowing full well that I'm going to pursue this. With one last glance at the object of my desire, I head down to the kitchen where I grab a bottle of water and some Tylenol before heading back upstairs.

Placing it all on the nightstand, I check her over once more and then make my way to my own room.


Tomorrow is when things change.



Groaning, my eyes peel open, only to close when the sunlight hits me. I scrub a palm down my face, wincing at the throbbing in my head. “Jesus,” I mumble, frowning as I try to piece together the events of last night.

A nice evening with Karissa, her parents, and Davis. Karissa’s mom and dad left. Karissa bought shots. Lots of them. We were drunk. Way past drunk. I cringe at the thought then nearly die from embarrassment with the memory of Davis being his usual grumpy self. Of him bringing us home… Wait. My eyes fly open, moving around the room. I blink. This isn’t my parents’ house. Or Karissa’s apartment for that matter. I swallow, as my pulse kicks up to an abnormal speed.

Disorientated, I fly up into a sitting position. My gaze falls down my body and I sigh in relief when I find that I’m still in last night’s outfit. My eyes dart around the unfamiliar room, my heart pounding in my chest as panic surges through me. Where the hell am I?

Glancing at the nightstand, my brows furrow when I find a bottle of water and Tylenol set out for me. My lips part. Davis. I’m at my boss’s house, the place I work. Noise outside has me pulling the comforter up my chest as if it can protect me from what comes next. A knock sounds at the door, making my stomach flutter.

“Quinn?” Some of the tension leaves my body at the sound of his deep rasp.

Clearing my throat, I shout, “Yeah?”

“Are you decent?” His voice sounds impatient.

“Yes. You can come in,” I reply. I’m not one hundred percent comfortable but I’m more embarrassed than anything. Not only because he is my boss, but I feel like death and probably look the same.

The door opens in the next second and Davis appears. His face is a blank mask as his eyes rake over me. My skin prickles, goose bumps appearing wherever his gaze lands. My cheeks heat and I really wish the bed would swallow me up, so I don’t have to deal with this humiliation. His eyes meet mine and he frowns, no doubt at the look on my face.

“How are you feeling?” he asks.

“Hungover. Embarrassed. Take your pick.” Shame hits me right in the chest and I glance away. “Sorry. It was unprofessional of me to get drunk in front of you,” I mumble.

“Look at me,” he demands, and my head snaps up, gaze locking on him. He closes the distance between us, and I scoot away, acutely aware of my alcohol-smelling morning breath. “I was more worried about you being vulnerable. Had I not been there, anyone could have taken advantage of you. I didn’t like the thought of that happening, so I took control of the situation.” He clears his throat. “Why don’t you get showered, and we can talk.”

My nose scrunches up. “Talk? What is there to talk about?”

He smirks and the look is so hot, so… dangerous, moisture seeps into my panties. “Don’t act coy, Quinn. You know exactly what we need to talk about.” He sucks in a breath, straightening to his full height as he says, “I want you. You want me. I don’t want to fight it anymore.”

My mouth drops open in shock at his words. Did he just say what I think he said or did my still-drunk mind make it up? I shake my head. No. He said those words. My eyes widen and I stare at him. Davis has never come across as arrogant or cocky, just a normal blue-collar guy. But in this moment, he is all that and more. Self-assured. Confident. Sexy. I like it. As if he knows exactly what I’m thinking, he winks at me,actually winks, and I nearly melt into a puddle on the bed. Without another word, he turns and in a couple of strides, he is leaving the room.

I stare after him, long after he has disappeared, in absolute disbelief. I can’t believe that just happened. Falling back on the pillows, I suck in a breath before exhaling, then jump out of the bed so I can get cleaned up for what comes next.