"No offense, human—"

"Jasmine," I interjected gently. I'd repeat it as often as needed until he acknowledged me with my name.

"Fine... No offense, but I can't imagine you ever beingmy girl. I have no intention of granting you my trust."

I tip-tapped my fingers towards the table, halting just shy of touching his clenched hand. He observed me, one eyebrow raised.

"Well, I guess we'll have to see."

"Hmm." He shrugged, distancing his hands from mine. "So, you mentioned wanting a job on the ship. Why?" He seemed genuinely puzzled.

Because I need to access places you won't see, for reasons I can't divulge while I'm earning a trust I might never truly deserve.

"I want to find my place here, learn about my new world. Thought it'd be a good way to keep my mind from being in constant awe of space." I offered him my most timid smile.

"Do you really think you'll want to stick around on the spaceship long enough for that to matter?"

I paused, heart pounding, determined not to let too many seconds slip by in silence. It felt like a significant moment, and his question caught me off guard. "Was your plan just to drop me off on some planet?"

The expression that crossed his face told me he hadn't really considered it.

That's interesting, too.He's made it clear he's not the puppet master behind this whole Elite Auction marriage scheme. So, what's his intention with me?

I kept talking to ease the pressure on him to make a decision that might affect me more than I was ready for. "Well, I'd like to try my hand at a job on the ship, anyway. Maybe something with the mechanics? I grew up working on hovers and speeders. I'm curious how that knowledge might translate. I know Earth borrowed a lot from Nova Dominion tech and started using it in everyday transport."

"Yeah, but spacecraft and hover cars..." He raised his hands, gesturing in a dubious manner.

"Alright, then how about giving me a few days in a few different areas on the ship? I just want to explore. Like I said, I'm just trying to embrace my new role in life." It was a reasonable enough excuse. I was hoping it might grant me an all-access pass.

“You know, your new position in life is technically going to be the wife of a Prexis Prime warlord. There’s no reason you’ll ever have to work.”

I laughed. “Well, I was raised to value hard work and the joy of effort. I doubt I’ll ever want to just luxuriate in the blessings of your Supreme kingdom.”

Again, he looked like I had said something that just didn’t compute. He was raised in privilege, ascended to even more privilege, and fought to tear down anyone who stood in his way. Without reservation.

I kept the smile painted on my face but I made sure not to let myself forget that under the charming smile, long hair, and rippling muscles, was the soul of a warlord who crossed solar systems to grind people under his boot.

Remember my mission… I am here for a purpose…

Resistance Strong.

Braxl nodded, then spun up an entry on his desk’s screen that flashed a profile picture of me from the Auction and a file that seemed to have numerous tabs. Background from Madame Luxana on his purchase. Maybe even from other sources, too.

It won’t matter.

My alias is irconclad.

He tapped through a few boxes and a couple blocks of text transitioned from yellow and red to green. He gestured to his own wrist.

“The doors in certain areas will open to the biometric scan under your skin. You’re free to move about the ship. I sent an alert to the techs in the mech shop to expect you.” He shook his head, a bit of disbelief still in his eyes. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

I smiled and nodded. “Yes. Can we have dinner sometime soon?”


“Yeah, like a date. You know, sit down, enjoy each other’s company, talk about—”

Braxl pressed a button on his desk and the door to his office slid open. He pointed to it. “I don’t do dinner.”