I nodded and stood, recognizing a dismissal that I wouldn’t be able to argue with. I had gotten what I was really coming for, after all, which was the door access. I would just have to see how many places he had really included in that freedom. As for a dinner date… I had guessed that would be a stretch.

I gave an adorable curtsy as I neared the exit. “Thank you, Braxl.”

He just held my look and then waved his fingers toward the door. As soon as I had walked through, it slid closed behind me.

I glanced up at the camera beside the door one last time, in case he was watching, then sashayed down the hall.

I smiled as I walked back to my quarters. I’d take that exchange as a win.



It felt invigorating to sprint down the sleek, streamlined corridors of my ship. This impulsive act was a small reflection of the turmoil churning within me. I was fleeing from the recent message my father had sent to my office, and in doing so, I sought a semblance of control over my own life: the sparring ring.

The trainers greeted me with genuine enthusiasm. I'd done a commendable job in the past few campaigns, earning the loyalty of my crew. Serving on the GloryDaze was a highly coveted position. Both men and women had to prove their worth through their reputations on their respective planets, battle records fighting for their own navies, or high achievements in other facets of their skill set before I even considered them for a spot on my flagship. Afterward, they underwent months of apprenticeship to master the ship's technology. Openings for admission were rare. I did accept crew members from outside the Krafina race, given that the Prexis Empire extended far beyond our home planet. Losing a soldier in battle was a rarity, even in my boarding party assaults, and I took pride in the loyalty I reciprocated with my crew. They always shared in the profits.

My trainers were fiercely dedicated, though they could discern the determination in my eyes when I stepped into the ring, signaling that I was about to unleash the full force of my fists on them, fueled by my need to escape some Commanderly responsibility.

Usually, I managed to contain my emotions and only let them loose when the battlefield called for it. Then, it was a ferocious, brutal onslaught against any foe that dared stand in my way.

But tonight, my father's last message had been too much.

A collective congratulatory message from the Counsel on securing my bride.

Maybe they meant it sincerely, maybe they weren't just binding me to a feeble human as a tie to a world that hadn't earned our respect, but I wasn't naïve.

I knew what they were truly doing.

They were trying to remind me that I couldn't keep claiming the allegiance of ships without facing consequences. I couldn't wage my own successful campaigns without paying my dues to the higher-ups.

It was bullshit.

But, my hands were tied.

And now my life would be tied to that silly human woman.

I turned the corner into the training room. It was a great expanse on one of the center decks with some gymnastics and weight lifting equipment, as well as a a sauna and holodeck for weapons practice. There was a boxing ring in the center, where I spent most of my time. I was happy to hear the welcome sound of gloves on flesh, the sound of grunting and panting of two warriors battling it out, and smell the overwhelming heat of sweat. Relief flooded through me and the tension from my father’s call evaporated.

I need this.

I stood there, mouth hanging open in disbelief. Tulla, my favorite trainer, was going head-to-head with Jasmine.

Jasmine moved with a fluidity that suggested she was no stranger to the ring. As Tulla lunged for her head, she smoothly dipped low, countering with a swift strike to Tulla's midsection. Before Tulla could react, Jasmine executed a quick spin, delivering a sharp kick to Tulla's chest that sent the amphibious alien stumbling backwards.

Jasmine let out a rapid exhale, tossing a sweaty strand of hair from her eyes. Her shining black orbs glistened with the grace of her athletic display. A faint pink hue tinged her cheeks. She rolled her shoulders and shifted from side to side. Catching my eye, she shot me a triumphant grin as I approached, leaning against the ropes of the ring.

Tulla regathered herself and stood up straight, bowing slightly to me. “Commander.”

“I see you have a new student.”

“I hope it is all right. Jasmine asked that she be able to train. She had access to the gym. I assumed she was allowed privileges.”

I nodded. “Of course. She has free rein of the ship.”That isn’t entirely true. But she can go most places.

“Want to have a go?” Jasmine tapped her gloves together.

I laughed. “Excuse me?”