Maybe I'll find I like it.



The anger seemed to melt from Supreme Entity Braxl's face as he took a seat at the desk across from me. My unexpected presence had clearly caught him off guard, and now I had secured entry into his quarters. It was a small victory, but it was a start.

Now, curiosity danced in his cat-like eyes, and he motioned for me to speak. I reclined in the rather utilitarian metal chair, a self-satisfied grin playing on my lips. The past few days on the spaceship had been a mix of excitement, occasional frustration, and anxiety. Now, I was ready to start getting to know my fiancé. As he leaned back in his chair, mirroring my posture, his biceps flexed, and I couldn't help but wonder about other contexts in which I might enjoy experiencing his strength…

I pushed away the thought of tracing my fingers over the silver and dark blue-scaled imprints on his powerful forearms.What would they feel like?

No time for that now.

Maybe later.

After all, I need to find a way to earn his trust. I need full access to the ship.

Braxl crossed his arms, waiting for me to speak. I exaggerated the pout of my mouth, then leaned forward to tap my fingers on his sleek metal desk. The gesture inadvertently triggered a transparent digital screen displaying a rotating diagram of flight paths for various ships. It looked like it was tracking at least a dozen vessels, all heading towards Prexis Prime.

Interesting. Who's aboard those ships?

With a grumble, Braxl swept his hand through the diagram, causing it to dissipate.

I sat back in the chair again and looked around me with an easy nod. “This is a nice office.”

“It is.”

I smiled and made a new goal. Before this conversation was over, I would get him to reveal something about himself to me…

“It’s the first spaceship I’ve been on.”

He snorted as if he hadn’t expected anything different.

“Is this your favorite one?”

His eyes narrowed at me. “Favorite one what?”

“Ship. Is this your favorite ship? I assume you have many that you could choose from, but you choose this one as the one you command.”

The strictness in his jaw relaxed and the curiosity in his eyes grew.There it is… Breaking down barriers he has against me. Or, maybe against all humans. Who knew what I was working against here. But I had been through a lot of training for these moments…

It took him a while to respond, as if he were deciding if it had been better if he had just left me in the hallway and ignored my comms request.Interesting…

“It is, actually. This is the GloryDaze, that you are on right now. She is my favorite. She’s not originally from Prexis Prime. She isn’t a Krafina ship.” The love for his ship was obvious in his tone. It gave him a boyish charm.

“Why do you like her, then?”

“She’s feisty.” Braxl grinned. “I had to learn her tricks. She was clever and secretive about it, too. Tried to kill my crew and me more than once when we didn’t understand how to dump the latent heat or caches.” He stretched his arms above his head, as if remembering a hard-won battle. “But, we have a good understanding now. She’s my girl and I trust her.”

“I bet it isn’t easy to earn your trust.” I knew it was a risk saying the words, turning it from lighthearted reminiscing and praise to something deeper.

His grin left and was the steady appraisal again, but that curiosity was still there.

“It is not.”

I shrugged. “I guess you’ll just have to learn my tricks, too. I’m sure we will reach an understanding.”

He grunted and oved his hands together in a hard grip of one hand over his fist. It was amazing how big his hands were. I knew he could smash a hole through the wall if he wanted. Or through an opponent’s body if someone threatened him, for that matter… That remarkable power was breathtaking…