“I’m always nice to you!” he yelled back.
She pushed him in the shoulder playfully. “Well, stop it!”
The kid taking coffee orders knocked on Nick’s window. He rolled it down.
“How you doing today, sir?” The kid glanced between the two of them and Nick groaned, knowing the kid had heard them shouting.
“Doing all right, how about yourself?”
“Not bad. What can I get started for you?”
“Large coffee for me and a large double dirty Christmas morning extra hot with the works for the lady.”
“You got it.”
Nick paid for their coffees and once the window rolled back up, he asked, “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing,” she sulked.
“Don’t give me that bull. You’ve been weird since Saturday night.” Nick cleared his throat. “Did I do something to make things awkward?”
“No. It’s nothing you did. I’ve just been getting a lot of unwanted attention.”
“What do you mean? From who? Guys?” It wouldn’t surprise him if there were dozens of men waiting in the wings for Noel to take notice, but the idea irked him. Especially since according to the gossip of Mistletoe, she and Nick were going hot and heavy.
“No, not from guys. People in town. Everyone wants to know about us. I had three expectant mothers come in wanting me to distract them with details about you and me.”
“You and me…”
Noel threw up her hands. “Sex, Nick! Our little display at Brews and Chews has the whole town buzzing about us. Not just Amber and Trip but everyone wants to know what’s going on!”
“Whoa, women in labor were asking you what I was like in bed?”
Nick pulled forward again, a sly smile on his face. “What did you say?”
She glared. “I told them you were amazing, that you’re hung like a donkey and I came four times in ten minutes.”
“No you didn’t. Although…”
“Do not tell me anything, you boob! I explained to them we’d just started dating and hadn’t gone that far yet. Then they asked how far we had gone.”
“Tell anyone that asks it’s none of their business.”
“Believe me, I have, but repeating the same thing over and over is frustrating. I’m about ready to start throwing out ridiculous stories about your prowess just to shut them up.”
Nick rolled down the window to get their coffees and handed one to Noel, sliding the other into his cupholder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you in an uncomfortable position.”
“I started it. It’s just…I didn’t really think this through.” She cupped the coffee between her hands, seeming to search for the right words. “Where do we go from here? Do we pretend we are dating in public every time we’re together?”
Nick’s heartbeat kicked up a notch. One night of crossing the line with Noel had him thinking all kinds of insane thoughts, but continuing the ruse for weeks? Months?
The idea of being able to kiss Noel whenever he wanted held appeal, and he didn’t know what to make of it. “Do you want to do that?”
“I don’t want things to get complicated, but…I also can’t stand Amber thinking she was right about me being just a rebound.” Noel grinned. “I really like her nose bent out of joint about us.”
“Is that the only reason?” he asked.