Noel blinked. “What do you mean?”
“I’m saying kissing you isn’t a hardship on my part. The truth is, I enjoyed it. And as I’m not sure I’m ready to actually jump back into the dating pool…”
“You want me to be your beard…with benefits?”
Nick couldn’t pinpoint the tone in her voice, but the last thing he wanted was to weird her out or worse, insult her. So he played it off.
“Ah, no! Not like that. If you think about it, we hang out most of the time anyway.” Nick waggled his brows before turning out onto the street. “A little canoodling in front of the locals once in a while shouldn’t be a hardship.”
“Canoodling?” she laughed. “What century are you from?”
“I’m the reincarnated soul of Theodore Drizzle, salesman of fine snake oil,” Nick said, mimicking the craggy voice of an old miner. “Wanna sample my wares, pretty lady?”
“You are such a goob.”
Nick knew she wanted a serious answer from him, but he wasn’t sure about admitting to Noel how much he’d enjoyed their kiss on Saturday. He didn’t want to spook her, especially with her open disdain for relationships. Putting himself out there and asking her about what she was feeling might send her hightailing it for the hills.
The best part about their friendship? They knew what to expect from the other, could nearly finish each other’s thoughts and sentences. Admitting the sexual chemistry from Saturday aloud terrified him, so he kept his tone light. Nonchalant.
“All joking aside, I mean it. If you care what Amber and other people are thinking about us, then why not keep ’em talking until they find something else to gossip about.” And give me a chance to sort through all these new thoughts and sensations.
“Won’t that get confusing? Pretending to be into each other”
“Not for me.” I hope not. If anything, he prayed this would clear things up.
“All right.” Noel held her coffee up to him in a toast. “Here’s to fake dating.”
Nick picked up his cup and tapped it to hers. “Cheers.”
“Now, stop talking. I love this song,” she said, turning up the volume on the mixed CD he’d been playing in the background. NSYNC sang in tandem about romancing the object of their affections under their tree and Noel sang along with them.
The thought of kissing Noel in front of a brightly lit tree popped into his head. Lowering her down to the tree skirt. Kissing his way down her neck.
“Hey, genius, you’re about to get back on the freeway. You need to get over.”
Nick swerved over swiftly and Noel gasped. A series of angry honks erupted behind him.
“What the hell was that?”
“Maybe I need more caffeine too,” he muttered.
“Let’s concentrate on getting both of us to the airport in once piece, all right?”
He nodded, pushing all thoughts of tree kissing out of his head. Maybe he’d take Pike’s advice and download Tinder while he was in Colorado. If he just cleared the pipes, he should stop having sexual fantasies about Noel.
“Hey.” Noel placed her hand on Nick’s leg. “You sure you’re all right?”
“Yep, yep. Just nervous about work.”
“You’re going to kick butt.”
Her hand hadn’t moved from his thigh. In fact, she’d given his knee a little squeeze. It warmed the skin beneath his jeans and suddenly, he wished she’d move it just a little higher…
When she removed her hand, the breath he’d been holding rushed out.
“You good?” she asked.
“Yeah. Great.”