“Regardless of what I may or may not have inferred, she should be taking her regret for dumping you out on you, not me. Mean girls were supposed to vanish when I graduated high school. I ain’t no hollaback girl.”
“Oh boy. Breaking out the old school Gwen, huh?” Even though he knew she was already prickly, Nick added, “I know you don’t like her, but Amber prodding you for information doesn’t really sound like bullying, Noel.”
Noel turned in her seat, scowling at him. “She also implied that the only reason you would be with someone like me is so you could get laid. Because according to her, I wouldn’t know a real relationship if it bit me in the bahookie.”
The image of Noel in bed flashed through his mind and he gulped. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a relationship.”
Noel’s scowl darkened, her eyebrows nearly touching in the middle. “I haven’t had many, but that is beside the point. She tried to shame me for embracing my sexuality. It is the modern era! If I want to get down with no strings attached, I am allowed to do so.”
Nick raised his fist in the air. “Amen! Hallelujah!”
“Shut up,” Noel laughed.
“You want me to find us an angry rock song to scream sing? Would that make you feel better?” Nick picked up his phone and handed it to here. “Scroll through and pick anything you want.”
Noel groaned, taking the phone from him. “I am sorry I’m such a grump this morning.”
“Eh, you’ve been worse.”
“Thanks, pumpkin.” Her thumb stopped on the screen and an Imagine Dragons song burst through the speakers.
When it finished, Nick cleared his throat. “Out of curiosity, what did Amber say about me?”
“’Bout you directly? Not much. She wanted to know how long we’d been together. Called me a rebound.”
“I can’t believe she’d say that to you.” Nick heard the fleck of hurt in her voice, even if she’d never admit it and took her hand. “Forget her, okay? I’d be lucky to have a girl like you.”
“But I’m not a unicorn.”
Her soft hand fit into his like God fashioned it for him and he got caught up in the warmth of her whiskey brown eyes.
Where do these crazy notions keep coming from?
Someone honked loudly and Nick jerked his attention back to the road.
“Whoa, Nick. I’d like to make it out of this city in one piece.”
“Sorry, I was just thinking…”
“That unicorns are overrated. You’re a hippogriff.”
Noel burst out laughing. “That may be the nerdiest thing a guy has ever said to me.”
“I wouldn’t doubt it, but it’s still true. Hippogriffs are strong, loyal, and rare.” He squeezed her hand. “Just like you.”
Noel grew quiet and when he stopped in the Dutch Bros line, Nick looked her way again. He caught the shimmer in her eyes and sputtered.
“Are you about to cry?” he asked.
“No.” She sniffled, rubbing at her eyes. “Maybe.”
Nick stared at Noel in astonishment. In her oversized hoodie and sweats, her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail, she looked younger. Vulnerable. He’d only seen his tough, no-nonsense best friend cry a few times in her life and it was over heavier subjects than being compared to a mythical bird beast.
“Because it’s early, I’ve had one weak-ass cup of coffee, and you’re being sweet to me, damn it!”