Page 76 of Leave Me Broken

Things were complicated with her mum, and I don’t know how to tread this situation. Comfort her and promise everything will be okay or . . . I don’t know. That’s why I’ve texted her the last few days and haven’t dropped by. I’m sure she has a lot of family around and if she wanted me there, she would ask. I’m cursing the fact our relationship is private right now.

I run a hand through my hair. “I don’t know,” I tell him honestly. “But I’m here no matter what.”

Luca claps my shoulder and with a serious look he says, “Anything you need, brother. You know I am here too, yes?”

I nod. “Of course. She is staying with Janelle so maybe she can fill us in on how Payson is doing.”

I hate having to learn how my girlfriend is from other people but she hasn’t returned any of my texts and since she wasn’t home when I dropped a dish off at her granddad’s, it’s all I can do. He mentioned the funeral being Sunday and I will at least see her then. I can’t hold her during it like I wish I could, but I can stand by her side. She will know I am always there for her no matter what.

“You want to know my main worry?”

Luca stops outside the gym doors and turns to me.

“She will push this down and when her granddad passes . . .” I had to tell Luca, after finding out about her mum, that was the only thing on my mind. What will come of Payson after losing her mum and her granddad?

“She will go off the deep end.”

I nod solemnly. The thought of losing my Payson just when I finally got her is excruciating. And I mean lose her physically and mentally. With Payson Murphy, you never know her next move when her emotions are in charge.

“Well”—Luca squeezes my shoulder—“you’ll be there to pull her back when the waves get too big.”

Yeah, but what if I’m not enough?

I shake my head because it’s not something I need to worry about right now. Granddad is okay and so far Payson seems . . .


Inside the gym a few of our players are scrimmaging, including Payson.

“Mine!” she shouts as she sprints toward Aubrey’s spike. She bumps it perfectly to Shannon and Monica kills it. Payson cheers and slaps Emika’s and Monica’s butts. Just like always.

Luca and I look at each other. Monica tosses a ball to Payson and she throws it in the air and serves it normally. No jump serves, thankfully. I’m not sure that’s wise on her knee, even with the brace. The new brace, by the looks of it. It’s blue like she wanted, to match the uniforms.

“She’s here,” I mutter.

“In uniform,” Luca adds.

Yeah, in uniform.

“Payson!” I shout.

All of the girls stop except Payson. She stays in form with her knees bent and arms out in front of her. Perfect form, but that’s not what is important right now.

I call for her again. She’s obviously annoyed as she jogs toward the office seeing where I’m heading.

She closes the door behind her and turns with not a single ounce of what happened last night on her perfect face. Besides the purple bags under her eyes, which she has often, to be fair, you would never know last night she found out her mum died.

“I got my brace today.” She kicks her leg out and shows off the blue and black brace hugging her knee. “It feels great. The doctor said I was good to play as long as I wear this.”

My head is spinning listening to her. She should be crying, and I should be comforting her, yet here she stands, looking more ready to play than ever before.

I shouldn’t let it surprise me because this is Payson. She doesn’t do what you’d expect her to. Ever.

“Do you have a doctor’s note stating everything you just told me?”

Her green eyes are so forlorn from real life I have to look away because it feels like I’m talking to a shell of the girl I love.

“Yep, on your desk.”