The corners were sharp, almost at a ninety-degree angle, and we turned them surprisingly fast.
We were limited only by the scientist’s walking speed.
When I finally came to a stop, it was on a balcony overlooking dais where a crowd of male Goblars gibbered amongst themselves.
It made me sick to my stomach to see them.
Even worse was Emily sitting in her chair on the platform, face heavily made up in a disgusting manner.
She struggled at her restraints the same way I was.
I opened my mouth and bellowed:
“Emily! Emily!”
I screamed as loudly as I could but Emily didn’t turn to look at me, and neither did any of the male Goblars.
The glass surrounding the balcony must have been soundproof.
I struggled harder against the chair with every ounce of strength I had.
The restraints bit into my arms and legs.
And still, I struggled.
The scientist stood to one side, frozen with her fingers poised over the computer.
My only hope of salvation lay in her pocket.
A strange figure appeared on the stage beside Emily — what appeared to be a female Goblar decked out in jewels, makeup, and… feathers?
The moment she appeared, the male Goblars in the audience hushed to silence — at least, as silent as they were capable of with their constant grunting and groaning under their breath.
“Today is the first day of a new order,” the Queen announced. “Today, the fated female shall be mated by chosen Goblars and not merely the lower classes. You have all been selected because of your ability of self-control. You will be the first stage of a new generation of Goblar creatures, a generation where concentration and focus is the key attribute. We will guide our future more effectively and take our rightful place as the dominant species in the galaxy!”
The crowd roared with approval.
She turned to Emily. “This is your female.”
The males in the audience grunted with satisfaction.
I felt sick to my stomach.
I rocked back and forth and threw my head back, fighting as hard as I could.
My movement must have caught Emily’s attention as she slowly turned toward me and arched her eyes up.
She must have seen me as her mouth opened wide and she yelled.
Although I couldn’t hear her, I could see her mouth move.
She had seen me.
Following the direction of her eyes, the male audience turned too and saw me sitting there, struggling.
The scientist standing in the corner of the room hopped nervously from one foot to the other.
She peered down at the Queen, who glared back.