He made eye contact with her and said:

“These Krevs are crazy. They carry these syringes with them everywhere.”

“I swear…” I snarled. “When I get free of here…”

Cayah’s eyes locked onto mine. “They carry these syringes in case they wind up in a berserker rage. When they’re like that, they lose total control. The only way to stop them is with what’s in these syringes. Nothing else works. None of your fancy drugs, nothing.”

He glanced toward me and then away again.

Was he lying? I wondered. Or was that what he really thought?

His smile was fixed in place, frozen, a mask.

He handed the syringes to the scientist. “Trust me, you’ll be glad you kept these on you if he goes crazy. If it looks like he’s going to break out of his restraints, do yourself a favor and jab these into him. They’ll knock the fight clean out of him.”

The scientist looked unsure and began to hand them back but Cayah added:

“I’m sure your Queen wouldn’t be too happy with any type of disturbance of the Mating Ceremony, would she? Best to keep them close. To be on the safe side.”

The scientist looked from Cayah to me and back again.

She nodded, took the syringes, and with a wary look at me, tucked them in her pocket.

She turned and barked orders at some of the other workers.

Cayah approached me and I watched him warily.

Why would he help me? I wondered. Why would he help me?

If he was going to help me, why not just jab me in the damn leg himself right here and now and allow me to escape?

Cayah glanced over at the working creatures and, seeing they were some distance away, leaned in close to my ear and whispered:

“A Sny’at in my position can’t afford to have enemies… on either side. I hope you understand. And perhaps this might convince you to be a little more… merciful to those who might have crossed you in the past. My Prince.”

He leaned back and looked at me meaningfully.

Immediately, his plan became obvious to me.

He had taken the Goblars up on the deal to get paid.

At what point he knew I was a Prince, I didn’t know, but now he knew the Goblars intended on letting me live, he had to know I would take revenge on him.

He wanted me to be merciful when our paths crossed one day.

At the same time, he didn’t want to look like he was on my side.

He was playing both sides.

But right then, at that moment, when I needed assistance the most, it might just be the turning point he would need in the future when his life hung in the balance.

As mine did right now.

* * *

The scientists led me out of the room, my chair zipping along a groove in the floor down one corridor after another.

It was a sturdy thing, and even when I leaned over, throwing my weight to one side, attempting to snap the attachment to the floor, it didn’t so much as waiver.