The scientist shook her head and turned to me. “Quiet! You must be quiet! You cannot interrupt the ceremony!”

I struggled even harder, beginning to feel the blood pumping in my body, my veins.

But as strong as I was, I still could not break those damn restraints!

If I made as much commotion as possible, I might be able to make the scientist believe I could break them.

Then maybe, just maybe she might find the need to use the syringes in her pocket…

I screamed and yelled and bellowed at the top of my voice.

None of it was an act, in truth.

I wanted to help Emily, to get her out of this hellish situation, to return to the Seeding Facility or else somewhere safe, where we could make love and be together.

Nowhere near any Goblar creatures that might watch us with hungry eyes.

And there, amongst the onlookers, a single figure locked eyes on mine.

I was full of hatred and disgust for that male and yet felt grateful for the hope he had given me, even if it had not yet come to fruition.

Cayah glared at me, careful not to show any emotion in case it gave his bias away.

The scientist watched as the Queen entered into conversation with a helper who immediately left the stage.

The scientist must have known what the order would be:

To shut me up so the ceremony could continue.

Finally, she reached into her pocket, extracted the syringes, and unstoppered them.

She hesitated just a moment before jamming them in my thigh and depressing each of the syringes.

The adrenaline hit my system immediately, rushing through my body at an incredible rate.

It reached my brain within seconds and made it light up like a supernova.

My muscles instantly felt a thousand times stronger.

I felt as if anything were possible.

I could scale the walls, could punch through the reinforced blast doors, could leap through them, and tear the creatures apart with a single finger.

All of it was now possible.

I threw back my head and let out a laugh.

As the door opened, the worker from the stage shouted at the scientist that she was to make me calm down.

I felt my insanity overtake me.

I was ruled by anger, my blood rushing to my eyes, making them bloodshot red.

When I glared at the creatures, they hopped back in fear — not a common reaction from their species who tended to be fearless.

I tensed my arms and raised them.

The restraints fell away like they were made of paper.