“I just... she offered herself to me. I don’t want her doing the same with you,” I say. I immediately know it’s the wrong thing to say as Tyler makes another fist. This time, though, I’m ready and sidestep the hit. His anger confuses me. I don’t want to fight my brother.
“What in the hell has you this worked up, Tyler?”
“I like this woman, and like how you’ve been acting since you’ve been with her. She does a fantastic job in the offices, and I wanted to meet her. I stopped at your house and practically dragged her out with me for lunch. We were returning when I got your call. She’s done nothing wrong, and you’re treating her worse than you’d treat a stranger. If you’re going to be this big of a dick, you should stay the hell away from her. I’ll step in for a fake arrangement to please Stanley.”
“Like hell you will,” I thunder, immediately pissed off again. He opens his mouth to speak when we’re interrupted.
“Um, do I need to run interference?” Both of us turn to see Byron looking back and forth between us with a brotherly smirk on his face.
“Stay out of this, Byron. I’m about to kick Blake’s ass!”
“I’d love to see the two of you go at it,” Byron tells us. “But Bill’s standing in the doorway looking at you like you’ve both lost your minds. I might have to agree with him.”
“I certainly thinkTylerhas lost his mind. He slugged me,” I say, keeping a wary eye on my brother, unsure if he’ll attempt another punch.
“I’m sure you deserved it,” Byron replies. “Now, if you two girls can kiss and make up, we can get this show on the road. We’re already getting a late start.” He stops speaking when he finally notices Jewel standing about ten feet away, looking in horror at the three of us. “Ah!NowI see what’s going on. It’s always a woman...”
“I didn’t do anything,” Jewel says, surprising us. “I basically got kidnapped and taken to lunch.” She turns to Tyler. “Not that it didn’t turn out to be a very nice lunch. Then Blake calls, and I’m dragged here against my will, and the next thing I know punches are thrown. If you want to act like Neanderthals, be my guest, but I want no part of it.” She folds her arms across her chest.
Byron blinks. “Sooo, you’re here with Tyler?” He looks confused.
“No, she’s with me,” I snap. “Tyler decided he needed tobondwith her.”
“Ah, a love triangle, a recipe for disaster,” Byron says in a bored voice.
“It’s not a damn love triangle,” Tyler snarls. “I can talk to a woman without the need to push her against a wall and rip off her clothes.”
“All righty, then. Can we get to work now?” Byron asks, knowing that keeping up this topic will lead to fists flying again.
“Yes!” both Tyler and I exclaim.
“And what about me?” Jewel asks. We all turn in her direction.
“You can sit down and be quiet,” I tell her, immediately regretting my word choice. Damn, I truly am being an asshole.
To my surprise, her eyes narrow, and she storms up to me, shoves her finger into my chest, and, after taking a deep breath, unleashes her wrath.
“I can put up with a lot, Blake Astor, and I’ve been doing that over the past few days, but I amnotgoing to have you talk to me like this in front of people. I’m human, and I deserve at least amodicumof respect. It wasn’tmy choiceto come here, but now that I’m here, I won’t just sit around and wait. If you’re going to work, I can do something too.”
No woman has ever snapped at me like this or demanded my respect. I’ve never felt such an urge to give in and do exactly what she’s asking of me.
“No. It’s dangerous,” I say, and then thinking the subject is closed, I turn away.
“Then I’ll find something to do on my own.” She leaves me and walks over to Bill. “Hi. I’m Jewel. What can I do to help you?”
I stand right where I am for several heartbeats as I watch Bill put out his hand, clasp hers, and give the first smile I’ve seen on the old man’s face in years.
“Bill Berkshire. It’s a pleasure to meet you, young lady. How about we start with a glass of iced tea, and then we’ll find some work?”
“That sounds lovely.” Jewel walks with Bill inside the house after casting a final, contemptuous glance back at all three of us. My brothers and I are left standing with our jaws hanging.
“Well, brother, that’s a woman you might not want to lose,” Byron says before moving over to the work truck. He puts on a tool belt. After a moment, I shake my head and follow him. It’s going to be a long day, and yes, I’ll be having a talk with Jewel about her place in my life, but right now I don’t have the time.
Taking off my expensive suit jacket, I roll up the sleeves of my white shirt before thinking twice and yanking it off, leaving me bare-chested. I’m not dressed for this type of work, and in fact, rarely swing a hammer these days. I only do it when I need to work out some aggression.
I’ve already fiddled around one of the worksites this week in hopes of dealing with my frustration, but this job will cause a hell of a lot more sweat than what I did the day before. I should curse the old man, but I won’t.
The thought of getting some alone time with Jewel later keeps me going as I climb up on Bill’s roof during the hottest part of the day and start ripping off the ridge cap. Oh yes, I’ll be the last one standing later tonight. We’ll see how defiant Jewel is when I’m finished with her. This thought immediately takes away my frown... and I even begin whistling. Ignoring my brothers’ looks sent my way, I work faster. I’m more than ready to get home... where Jewel and I can have a nice... long... chat... preferably one without words.