“What do you mean? I thought it was taken care of,” Tyler replies with a frown.
“Yeah. So did I. But when the roofing crew showed up, Bill came out and threatened to have the cops haul them off for trespassing. Tim called me and asked what he should do. I told him to head out, that I’d talk to Bill. I got here thirty minutes ago, and he said there’s no way he’ll allow me to pay for a new roof.” Blake’s frustrated sigh comes through loud and clear over the speakers.
“Damned old man. There’s no way that roof will last another winter. What are we gonna do?” Tyler asks as he turns onto the freeway.
I’m not familiar with this area, but it seems like we aren’t moving toward the apartment complex. Has Tyler forgotten I’m in the car? I don’t want to say something and have Blake hear me, so I just fidget in my seat.
“It looks like we’re roofing the place. He won’t let us pay for it, but he’ll sure as hell let us climb up there and do it ourselves,” Blake says, a smile clearly in his tone.
“Yeah, I can see that. What I can’t see is you up there with your pristine white shirt, holding a hammer,” Tyler jokes.
“Whatever. I don’t see you up on any roofs anymore either,” Blake fires back.
“Point taken. Let’s see if we still know how. I’m ten minutes out. See ya in a few.” Tyler pushes a button, and the call disconnects.
I sit in silence a moment longer to make sure Blake’s really gone before I speak. “Um, Tyler, you took a wrong turn.”
“Nope. Change of plans. We have to go roof a house.” He turns off the freeway and heads down a city street.
“I... um... can’t roof a building. Maybe you should drop me off first,” I say, growing more and more nervous as he continues in the same direction.
“No can do. We’ve already lost half the day.”
“I can’t go there!” I’m more insistent this time.
“Look, Jewel. Bill was my grandfather’s best friend and has always been good to me and my brothers. He’s also been the most stubborn old coot I’ve ever met in my life. He won’t let us pay for anything for him, won’t accept what he deems as charity, but his roof needs fixing. The only way we’re going to get it done is by doing it ourselves. And it’s supposed to rain in a few days, so we have to haul ass. You’ll be fine. You can visit with Bill while we work.”
Tyler’s tone seems so reasonable, but Blake’s going to flip out when he sees me pull up with his brother. He might be furious I had lunch with him, maybe even angry enough to end our deal. It’s not like we have an official contract. None of this matters, though. I realize arguing with Tyler is pointless. The Astor men don’t take no for an answer.
We pull up to a small home surrounded by at least two acres of land, and as Blake walks toward the car, my heart thunders. His eyes lock on me in the passenger seat; his silver glare sears right through me, making me wish I was any other place in the world.
“Smile, Jewel,” Tyler tells me. “It looks like my brother’s going to growl.” He opens his door and says hello.
When Blake doesn’t reply to Tyler, but instead comes immediately to my side of the car and rips open the door, I’m seriously considering diving across the seat and out through the driver’s side door, then making a run for it.
“What in the hell are you doing here?”
Words won’t come. He suddenly takes my arm and practically drags me from the car. This is bad — really,reallybad. I’ve never seen him angry before, and right now he’sangry. Does he think I’m fooling around with his brother? If he does, he’s a real asshole. I might’ve introduced myself by stripping, but that’s not who I am.
I don’t know what will happen next... but it’s beyond my control.
Chapter Review
Chapter Nineteen
As I box Jewel inagainst the side of my brother’s car, I can’t remember ever being this angry. Fury rolls off of me in waves, and I want to punishher,punish Tyler, punish anyone who dares to even look at her. What in the hell is wrong with me? Why am I this upset over Jewel being with my brother? It makes no logical sense.
“What are you doing with my brother? Are you two messing around?” I demand, my voice way too harsh. I can’t stop myself, knowing I’m overreacting. I move in a little closer to her, my breath hitting her face as I speak too loudly.
There’s a hint of fear in her eyes that should stop me cold. I sober up, realizing I’m out of control. I open my mouth to speak and feel a sharp pain in my shoulder as a hand pinches down, spinning me around. Before I can respond, a fist lands on my jaw, sending me flying backward against the car right next to Jewel, whose eyes are wide. She immediately steps away, obviously as confused as I am about what’s happening.
“What the hell?” I snap. I’m about to kick someone’s ass. I clear my vision; my brother Tyler stands before me, fury blazing from his eyes as he stares me down. Tyler is my easy-going brother. I’ve never seen this sort of look in his gaze before.
“What was that for?” I ask, lifting my hand to rub my jaw now that I don’t feel a need to pummel someone.
Tyler takes a step closer, and I wonder if my brother and I are about to get into the first brawl of our lives. “You’re an asshole on the best of days, Blake, but you’re currently walking a very fine line of insulting both Jewel and me. What is wrong with you?”