Page 33 of A Kiss at Midnight

Chapter Review

Chapter Twenty


What are you doingwith a cad like Blake?”

I stop sipping my glass of sweet iced tea and laugh. “I don’t know, Bill, but I can tell you it’s worth it. Because if I wasn’t with him, I would’ve never met you. For that matter, what areyoudoing with a cad like Blake?” Bill laughs at my evil grin.

“I’ve known Blake since the day he was born,” Bill says, and his smile begins to disappear. “His father was a good man, but his mama beat the good right out of him. It broke the heart of my best friend, Blake’s granddaddy. I was glad he passed on before he saw the final chapter of their story play out.”

“What do you mean?” I know I shouldn’t pry into Blake’s life, but it’s like watching a movie that you can’t turn off because youhaveto know how it ends.

“I don’t think I should talk about that dark time,” Bill says with a shake of his head.

“Of course not. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” But of course, I do — I’m dying to know everything. I hope Bill doesn’t tell Blake about me digging for information.

“You aren’t doing anything wrong, sweetie. It’s a really sad story,” Bill says as he gets up to refill our glasses. When he returns and hands me a glass of tea, he looks at me intently. “Do you care about Blake?”

I’m so shocked by the question, I don’t know what to do. Since this man is obviously attached to Blake, I can’t tell him I’m only here because I need Blake to pretend to be my boyfriend. At the same time, I don’t want to say a whole bunch of mushy stuff either. It would be a lie.

“You don’t have to say anything, darling,” Bill tells me after the silence stretches on. “I can see I put you up against a wall here.”

Still, I have to say something. “I’m sorry, Bill. I just... it’s... Well, we’ve only been together for a few days, and the situation is... well... it’s complicated.”

Bill’s penetrating eyes bore into mine, making me squirm in my seat.

“I understand, darling. When I was younger, people didn’t play all of these games they play today. If a boy liked a girl, or a girl liked a boy, they told each other. If it looked like it was going well, there was no need to draw the whole dating process out. Heck, you often know on a first date if the girl looks like she’ll be the one. I married my Vivian three months after we met, because I knew there’d never be another girl for me.”

“What happened?”

“The good Lord took her four years ago. I still think of her every single day, and I can’t wait until I get to be with her again.”

“I’m sure she’s waiting for you right at the gates.”

“Not quite yet, darling. My Vivian was always too busy to wait around for anyone. But when it’s time, she’ll be there to meet me.”

“If I may ask, how did she die?”

“In her sleep, so there was no pain. It was simply her time to go home. I was real angry about it for a while, but I finally accepted that someone up there knows more than I do, and being angry all of the time doesn’t do any good.”

“You’re a wise man, Bill. I’m glad I got to meet you.” I reach out and take his hand, smoothing his wrinkly skin with my thumb.

“I’m glad I got to meet you too, darling. You remind me of my sweet Vivian. She was always so calm and loved everyone, but if you fired her up, she’d have no problem taking the hide right off of you,” he says with a chuckle.

“I don’t normally lose my temper, but...” I don’t know how to complete this sentence.

“Don’t give up on Blake. He’s been through some dark times in his life. His mama wasn’t fit to be a mother, and it was her fault that she and the boys’ daddy died. To top that off, the three boys watched it happen,” Bill says with a sad sigh.

“Wait! Theywatchedtheir parents die? Was it a car wreck?”

“No. If only it were that easy. Blake may one day open up to you about it. If he does, take the time to listen. I want you to understand that he’s dealt with hard times since he was real young. Sometimes his bark is pretty bad, but that boy has a heart of gold. He’s buried it deep for a very long time.”

“He’s lucky to have you in his life.”

“Of course he is, little missy. I’m a great man.” Bill smiles, and the talk of sadness is over.

After the two of us visit a while longer, Bill falls asleep in his recliner without giving me any tasks to do. I cover him with a blanket then go outside and see the three brothers on the roof. They’re working quickly, and shingles are flying over the side of the house.