Page 6 of Under Pressure

He’s good. My mouth hangs open for a good minute before I finally close it and open it again in stunned surprise.

“Did you…it’s my freakin’ hair isn’t it?”

He doesn’t answer me and instead gives me a cocky smirk that tells me the answer.

“Like I haven’t heard that before. Very original. Thank you…for being so stereotypical. Want to call me fucking Wendy too and order a cheeseburger. Let’s think about what other fucking redheads we can compare me to?”

“Well, there is Jessica Rabbit.”

“What? My tits aren’t big enough for that one? Oh, let me guess, Jessica Rabbit has legs for days and I’m barely able to ride the roller coasters. Is that it?”

“Not at all. I find Lucy very hot. There’s something…hidden and secret about her kind of sexy.”

“Hidden and secret? So you think someone has to look pretty hard to find something sexy about me? Gee, thanks.”


“That’s not what I said at all. Don’t twist words.” He comes around the counter that was separating us and points his finger at me. “I just told you I found Lucy hot. You don’t have to be obviously sexy to make a man pant after you. You of all people should know that.”


He makes a face that shows his disbelief, “Oh please. Like you don’t know what you do when you come sashaying out in those cute as fuck boxer shorts. Which by the way…whose boxer shorts are those?” he gives me a look pinning me in place. “Do you have a brother?”

“What? What the hell are you talking about? My boxers? You’ve lost your mind.” Probably got it fucked out of him. “I’m leaving.”

“You can’t leave. You can’t leave little Brownie or what kind of aunt would you be?”

Again he has my mouth hanging open.

“A good aunt would never leave her little nephew. Even if he is furry and pees in the hallway.”

“You…ass. If you think…”

Our mouths find their way together. One minute I’m taking a deep breath so I can cuss him properly and the next he’s kissing it away. I didn’t even realize how close we had gotten to one another until he grabbed my hip to pull me in even closer.

And fuck him if he thinks I won’t kiss him back. I grab the front of his shirt so I can show him. Our tongues meet and dance apart only to come back to clash and fight again. Just because I get weak in the knees doesn’t mean he’s done anything special. It probably means he’s sucking the life out of me but not making me all starry-eyed and sweet.

Just because I end up clinging to him and savoring the taste of him doesn’t mean I like him or anything. It doesn’t. Does it?

Chapter Six



I pull away and meet the stunned hazel eyes that have been haunting my dreams for the past couple of days. The little spitfire was gunning for a fight for some reason. She didn’t have to go out and find trouble. I’ll be her trouble.

She puts more space between us untwining her fingers from my shirt and taking a step back from me. For long moments we just stand and look at one another before she’s taking another - and another - step away from me.

“I’ll be back.”


I need to let her have some space to accept all of this. I can feel that. “I…I’ll be back.”

I grab my keys and rearrange myself as I head for the door. I can’t remember when the last time walking was painful because of a hard-on – has to be back when I was a teenager, which was a while ago. But I can say it is now. There are things I need that can’t wait. Things that we’ll need for the next few days since I don’t plan to let her go for a while. Without looking back, I leave. I'm sure if I look back and see the lost look on her face I’ll stay and if I stay, she’s going to be under me. Then those important things won’t be getting done.

It takes me longer than I wanted but finally, I am sliding my key in the front door and carrying the bags into the house. I make it to the kitchen when I'm greeted with a sight that would tempt a fucking monk. And I am just not that holy a person. Brook comes around the couch wearing nothing but booty shorts and a tight grey tank that showcases the swell of her breasts. The damned thing doesn’t come all the way down to cover her stomach, so I’m treated to the wink of jewelry just above her navel. She has a belly ring. That’s hot.