Page 5 of Under Pressure

And then my own phone rings. Turns out the paperwork from the case isn’t done and they want me to come in and tell the FBI, who is taking over the investigation, what I know. I turn and see that Brook is off the phone too.

“I have to go in for the case. It might take a while so don’t wait on me to grab something to eat tonight.” I lay money out on the counter so she can order something for herself and Brownie just in case I don’t make it back before she gets hungry again.

“You don’t…”

I give her a look that stops her from finishing what she was about to say, before turning and leaving my little star alone with Brownie. I don’t like the fact it seems I am forever leaving her. I don’t like it at all.

Chapter Five



I watch as he turns to leave and think back to how I found him earlier this morning, asleep with a puppy curled up on his chest. I’m pretty sure my ovaries exploded at the hotness of seeing the big guy cuddling with the tiny little ball of brown fur. And then he smiled at me. If I was a weaker woman, I would have moved Brownie and took his spot.

My lips curl at the thought of what Waylen would do if I had done that. Would he still be smiling if I was the one advancing or is that the turn-on for him - that I don’t? What would the morning have been like if I just crawled up him like a cheap whisp of smoke and took that kiss he’s been offering with his eyes and his smile since we first met? Could I have had him for breakfast?

I shake my head, like I would know what to do with a man like that, and scoot the snoring pug over so I can have some of the huge ass couch for myself. For something so small they sure do take up a lot of space. I start out in the middle of the bed and end up clinging to the edge as he just keeps moving so he’ll have more bed. I guess last night when he couldn’t move Waylen, he just decided to sleep on top of him.

The conversation I had with Birdie comes back to me and the stupid promise to keep Brownie while she and Gareth abscond for a couple of days before coming back to clear everything up with the whole murder/assassination thing. I wonder if Birdie will have to testify that she saw them in the same car that was parked outside the mayor’s house when he was killed. That has me turning on the ID channel and snuggling down for a marathon of true crime shows that have me jumping at every sound.

True to his word, Waylen doesn’t come back all night. It leaves me wondering if he’s taking care of this whole case thing or if he went out on a booty call and just didn’t want to tell me because that would be hella awkward. He did tell me he wasn’t on duty because he fired his gun at the dead guy or something like that after all. So he definitely isn’t gone because someone got killed and he’s working. Not that it’s any of my business what Waylen does. I’m definitely not judging him. Hell, I don’t even know him. I’m just staying in his house and sleeping in his bed and…I really got to rethink my devotion to Birdie.

I spent most of the night trying to think about what kind of woman would attract a man like Waylen. She would definitely be sure of herself, no wilting flower is going to be able to capture his attention. She’d have to be beautiful, gorgeous even. Probably tall and leggy. I wear heels to make myself look taller. The woman he would be with wouldn’t need heels. She’d be way taller than me. And more physically active.

I look down at my belly and back up to the Jerry Springer show about weird ass crimes and shove another piece of pizza in my mouth. I wouldn’t give up my food for any man. The man who has to settle for me is going to get what he gets. And I’m not going to find him in a gym for damned sure. Mostly because I’m not going to a gym.

The next day he finally comes back looking tired and rumpled. If it was a bootie call, the woman really did a number on the man. No wonder he didn’t invite her over…he was afraid he couldn’t get her to leave. Is she a fellow cop? A spy? A succubus?

I have no idea why this fascinates me so much but I can’t seem to help myself.

“Have you eaten?”

Why’s he always asking me if I’m hungry? Do I look hungry? Is it a sly comment about my weight? “Not yet.”

I would ask him but I’m afraid he’d tell me just what he’s spent the night eating…or who. I’m sure Count Draculette makes a fine meal but I don’t want details.

“Want me to order us something?”

“Actually, I was wondering if you could watch Brownie for a couple of hours while I go out?”

He perks up and raises his eyebrow. “Where are you going?”

This has my eyebrow doing the same thing.

He changes his tone, “I mean, I can take you where you need to go.”

“No, you’re tired,” from being fucked all night, “I can just call an Uber and…

“It’s no problem.”

“I would feel better if I just took an Uber.” His eyes narrow and I can feel the tension in the room building. Someone’s going to start a fight…and it’s probably going to be me.

“Look, Lucy…”

“Lucy?” Her freakin’ name is Lucy. AND he just called me her! How insulting! “My name’s not Lucy. It’s Brook.” The farthest thing from fucking Lucy.

“Yeah, but you got that I Love Lucy look in your eyes like you about to have some explainin’ to do.”