Page 7 of Under Pressure

She looks shocked to see me, her ever-changing eyes growing big and round. “Why are you back?”

I hold up the bags. “I got food.”

She stares at the bags still in my arms and gets that look in her eyes again. The one that says she’s gonna have some explaining to do. She squares her shoulders and sashays over to peek inside the bags. She’s painted her toenails while I was gone, and I just realized I might have a foot thing since all the blood in my brain rushes back to my dick at the sight of the turquoise-painted nails. She uses her finger to pull down the side of one of the bags in my hands and I see she’s done her fingernails too.

Her breasts brush against my arm as she looks at what I brought her and it’s like lightning. Traveling down my body and setting me ablaze. The touch is like wildfire. I set the bags down on the counter closest to the fridge and grab for her with my now free hands. Our lips meet and the fire that’s been slowly kindling between the two of us ignites into a raging inferno. Her hands find their way around my neck and I lift her so she can wrap her legs around me too.

I shove all the things on the island off. Salt and pepper shakers go flying, napkin holders tumble to the ground, and placemats flutter down as I set her on top of the counter and hook my hands into the sides of those tiny shorts. I push her back as I take them down, one thing and one thing only on my mind. I have to find out if she’s as sweet everywhere as her fucking mouth is and if she is…I’m going to be so fucking addicted.

That look of surprise lights up her face, but she doesn’t have time to explore the feeling when my mouth is already on her even before I have her shorts off all the way. My dick swells even more when I realize she doesn’t have anything on under the shorts - not that there would be any room for them since they are so tight. I fling them behind my back as I take a quick peek at the last pussy I’ll ever eat.

I throw her legs over my shoulders and sit on a bar stool so I can have my dessert. I’ve been dreaming about eating her little peach since I saw her standing beside Birdie. When my eyes drift up it’s to find she's curled her lips around her teeth and her little chin raises in a challenge. I’ve never been a man to back down from a challenge. I run my tongue up the inside of her leg until I can lick the outside of her creamy treat. I had planned to take my time but once the flavor of Brook hits my tongue I turn into a madman. There is no plan, no hidden agenda, no end goal other than to get more of her.

I use my fingers to open her so I can run my tongue through her and let out a hungry moan of appreciation. Her hips dance around so I throw an arm over them to hold her down. I can have my treat and not be interrupted. I waste no time and dive in, placing my mouth over the top of her clit and sucking and nibbling until her nails are sinking into my shoulders and she’s riding my lips like her world is about to end if she doesn’t cum soon.

The heels of her feet push against my back like a sexy little signal of encouragement that only fans the flames. Her hands eventually leave me to go above her head, her belly ring on full display now, so she can hang onto the edge of the counter trying to ground herself. But there is no grounding this. I don’t want her grounded. I want her to fly.

Her thighs start to shake around my cheeks as she arches her back and cries out my name. “Oh God, Waylen! Oh God!”

I can’t help but smile…not that she can see it since my face happens to be buried in her softness as I send her over the edge with my tongue darting back and forth. Her heels dig in and she goes stiff before the muscles of her pussy flutter around my face as she cums for me. A rush of honey is my reward and I lick it up, not being able to get enough. It sends her into a smaller orgasm as her eyes fall shut and a slight smile stretches across her mouth and tilts the corners up. If this is how she shows her appreciation for me going to pick up groceries, I’ll bring her back the whole damned store the next time.

She has just enough energy left to wrap those legs around me and lay her head on my shoulder as I walk us back to my bedroom afterward. I yank the cover back and crawl in beside her so I can cuddle her. I need another taste of her already but I’ve noticed Brook doesn’t sleep well. I’ll have my taste as soon as my sweet little star opens her eyes again. For now, I’m completely happy lying here with her weight on top of me and her breath fanning out, moving the tiny hair on my chest and making my cock harder than ever.

She might not realize it, but we have all the time in the world…because Brook isn’t going anywhere.

Chapter Seven



It’s the middle of the night when I wake up. Only to realize I’m not alone in the bed. I’m hugged up tight against a big man who is softly snoring above my head. I try to wiggle away from him so I can think through what exactly happened in the kitchen. One minute I was bebopping through the house thinking he wouldn’t be back for hours if he came back at all and the next, I’m finding myself under his tongue being sent to heaven.

It all happened so fast. I didn’t really have time to be shy or to tell him I’d never done anything like that before. He just swept me up and swept me away. Like a natural disaster -a flood- all I could do was hold on tight and pray I would be alright when it was all over.

The wiggling wakes him up and he tightens his arms around me. I go still and wait for what he’s going to say next. When he does speak it’s not what I thought he would say.

“Where you going, sweetheart?”

I raise my head so I can look down at him. “I should…I should leave.” His eyebrow goes up. I’m beginning to recognize that as a sign I’ve just issued some kind of challenge to him. Since the last thing we actually ‘talked’ about was me leaving I quickly clarify, “Go sleep on the couch.”

“Why?” He nuzzles into my neck and places his hands on the backs of my thighs so he can pull them up on either side of his hips. It brings our bodies closer together and the heat from his body sinks into me. “You worried you can’t control yourself around me? Worried you’ll take advantage of the situation and end up using me to slack your needs?”

I can hear the mixed notes in his voice. He’s only half joking. The other half is goading me to stay. I’m not stupid or blind. I know what he’s trying to do. But damn it, I can’t just back down now. I straighten up so that I’m sitting on him.

“No!” I look down my nose at him. “I’m not the one I’m worried about.”

He only chuckles and pulls me back down on top of him in a tight hug. I lay still and let my thoughts settle. Waylen made me feel so good in the kitchen. And I have no doubt that he’ll be a…kind lover. One who can teach a woman what there is to all the hype. He made me cum pretty easily with just his mouth.

My finger draws circles on his chest before I make up my mind.

“Can I ask you a question?” Then I rethink. “Well, it’s more of a favor really.”

His fingers have been fanning out over the width of my back. It takes me a second to realize he’s raised the back of my tank so he can touch me skin to skin like I'm touching him. “Fire away.”

I think carefully about how I want to say the next couple of things, “I’m eighteen - about to be nineteen in a couple of months. I…I don’t want to be, um…I want to know…,” nothing seems right so I take a deep breath and just go for it, “I was wondering if you’d fuck me?”

“What?” He’s gone still and seems surprised.