I raised my brow. “Oh?”
I found it humorous the little slip of a man could dress down the giant lion shifter that was my son. Maybe it was true what they said about redheads being firecrackers.
“Well, you see. Um… Hayden—”
“Is here.” Hayden and Owen walked into the foyer and bowed. Hayden was about the same height as my six-three. He had my dark hair and olive skin, but he had his mother’s eyes. I hated and loved his eyes for the same reason—they reminded me of Ellen.
“It’s good to see you, Father. We apologize for the delay,” Hayden said formally.
Owen snuggled close to Hayden’s side, and I could feel the apprehension and uncertainty radiating off his slender frame.
I smiled what I hoped was an unimposing smile. “No need to apologize. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important.”
Owen’s fair skin blushed, and I saw the embarrassment in Hayden’s expression. “Not at all. We—” Owen jabbed his elbow into Hayden’s side. “I, um, well… I said something stupid. It’s all good now, though. Please come in,” Hayden corrected.
I nodded and followed them into the massive house toward the living room.
“Please,” Hayden said, indicating the large white sofa.
“Thank you,” I replied.
“Can I get you something to drink? Hayden said you like tea,” Owen asked.
I opened my mouth to respond but paused as the most alluring scent filled my nostrils. My lion roared within me, and I nearly groaned in pleasure. I breathed in the odor again and scanned the room, searching for the source. I leaned over to the cushion and inhaled. The earthy, sweet smell saturated the fabric. I growled low, and my cat wanted to rub all over it.
Hayden’s one-word question jerked me out of the trance, and I snapped back up. I focused on the confused faces. I didn’t have time to understand what the scent meant. The truth was, I didn’t want to. My lion knew, but I stuffed down his thoughts. I cleared my throat and shook my head to clear it. The fragrance had thrown me for a loop.
“Are you okay, Dad?” Hayden asked.
“Yes, of course. Sorry.” I ran my hands over my suit jacket, adjusting it and straightening my posture. “How have you been doing, Owen?”
Owen’s green eyes widened. “Um, I’m okay,” he replied, his voice trembling nervously.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be direct. I wanted to make sure you’re healing well from the attack. Hayden has given me updates, but I haven’t spoken to you directly.”
Owen fidgeted. “It’s okay. I know you’re busy. I mean, you’re a big-time CEO and king of a lion pride. I’m rambling. I’ll stop. Thank you for asking, but I’m doing better.”
I smiled. “I’m glad, and you can ramble any time. I don’t mind. I’d like the opportunity to get to know you better. I know our history hasn’t been the greatest, and after what Trudy did, I hope you can give me a chance.”
Owen flinched at the mention of my soon-to-be ex, and Hayden’s expression soured. She had done a number on them, scheming and bringing in Hayden’s Ex, Amy, into the mix.
“I don’t hold you responsible for what happened, and I’d like to get to know you. It’s…” Owen looked at Hayden and then back at me. “It’s just it’s taken some getting used to. Finding out shifters exist, then having a mate. It was a lot. But I’d like to get to know you. I said that already, sorry.”
“It’s okay, babe,” Hayden said, wrapping his arm around Owen’s shoulder and pulling him into an embrace.
“Thank you, Owen,” I said before taking a deep breath and focusing on Hayden.
Hayden stiffened. I suspected he knew what I was going to say, and he confirmed it with his following words.
“You want us to come back, don’t you? It has to do with the bitches, doesn’t it?”
“Hayden. Don’t say bitches in front of your dad,” Owen chided.
I smothered a laugh. “It’s all right, Owen. I’ve heard worse.” I sighed. “And Hayden’s right. It’s been three months. We can’t let it go longer. We need to deal out justice.” I leaned back and ran my hand through my graying hair. This was the hard part. “Owen, Hayden, your testimonies are necessary. Otherwise Trudy and Amy can be set loose.”
Hayden growled and jumped to his feet. “You’d let them loose! You know what they did!”