Page 7 of Edward’s Bunny

“Hayden, I don’t want to let them loose. But you know our ways. I can’t hold them indefinitely without the restitution ceremony. For that to happen, you both need to come and face them.”

“Hayden, calm down,” Owen said, grabbing his hand and pulling him down to the couch. “You explained this to me. We suspected this was why your dad was coming.”


“No, buts, love.” Owen turned to me, a confidence I hadn’t seen in him before now on display. “I understand. We’ll come back to Tampa.”

“Baby, are you sure?” Hayden asked.

Owen nodded. “I’m sure. It’s time. As much as I’d like, we can’t keep hiding out here. And your mom—”

“Stepmom,” Hayden corrected.

“Stepmom and Amy need to be punished for what they did,” Owen continued.

“And you’ll need to think about what type of punishment,” I said.

Owen’s gaze jerked to mine. “What?” The confident aura instantly fled.

“Part of the restitution is the offended party demanding justice. In our culture, you can ask for death for an offense like this.”

“What?” Owen said as Hayden hissed “It’s what they deserve.

“I can’t condemn someone to death!”

“They gave you to that monster and knew the consequences. They deserve to die,” Hayden replied.


“You don’t need to decide now. The two of you can discuss things, and we can decide before the meeting,” I interrupted. Hayden and Owen stared at each other before giving a quick nod. “Alright. I want to hold the ceremony this weekend. With the holidays coming, I’d prefer it done and over with.”

Hayden looked down at Owen before replying. “That will be fine. We’ll be there.”

“Thank you.” I leaned forward. “Owen.” I waited for Owen to focus his attention on me before continuing. “I know this is difficult, and I’m sorry you have to go through these unpleasant things. I will take everything you feel into consideration.”

Owen nodded. “Thank you, Edward. I mean, your majesty.”

I smiled. “Edward is fine. Or when you feel comfortable with it, Dad?”

Owen grinned. “I’d like that.”

“Excellent.” I inhaled again and glanced at the pillow before standing to my feet. I needed to go. I couldn’t be around that fragrance, and I needed to work out precisely what it meant, even though I had an idea. The longer I sat there, the clearer it became, and the meaning scared me.

I looked at Hayden and Owen, who had risen from their seats. “I have to be going. A last-minute meeting came up with the New York office.”

“Oh, I thought you were going to stay for at least lunch. You didn’t even go out and see the ocean,” Hayden said.

I shook my head. “Next time. Maybe I'll come out here when the water is warm in the summer. We can have a beach vacation.” I nodded to Walter, who tilted his head in acknowledgment before exiting the room ahead of me. “I really have to go to this meeting. I’m sorry. But we can go to dinner when you’re in town this weekend.”

"Is it the Danver issue? I left before finalizing the deal." Hayden inhaled. "I know I haven't been to work and took a leave, but I can return if you need me."

I shook my head. "It's okay, Hayden. We're fine. We have things handled. Mike has been doing a fine job. You enjoy your time with Owen."

"Thanks, Dad." Hayden came before me and surprised me with a quick hug. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and embraced him back.

“I’m glad you came, Dad,” Hayden whispered.

“I’m glad I did too. I love you, Hayden,” I replied before releasing him and stepping away. “I’ll see you this weekend.”