Page 5 of Edward’s Bunny

No fun in the Sun


“Majesty, we should be landing in ten minutes.”

I looked over at my best friend of more than forty years and shook my head. After all this time, Walter refused to call me by my name. It was either Majesty or Mr. Satchel, never Edward.

Not only was I the president and CEO of Satchel Industries, but I was also the king of my pride, and Walter addressed me with respect. I was the strongest lion, and I inherited the position of king from my father as he did from his father before him. I also took over the company from my father after ascending the throne. I built the company even further than I could ever imagine. It was now a multibillion-dollar juggernaut.

I studied Walter for a moment before answering, taking in his short dark brown hair and muscular build, reminiscent of a linebacker. Dressed in a black suit and wearing sunglasses akin to those worn by security personnel or secret service agents, he exuded an air of authority and mystery.

“Thank you, Walter. Hayden’s aware?”

Hayden was my son. He recently found his fated mate in a human named Owen. To say it shocked me would be an understatement. I didn’t believe it when Hayden told me. I always considered fated mates to be a fairy tale. Not to mention, my heart had turned cold, and I thought love was for suckers. My actions almost cost me my relationship with Hayden. I had to admit my hurt finally. I had to talk about Ellen, Hayden’s mom, and my true love.

“Yes, sire. He and Owen are waiting and know we are coming.” Walter stopped talking but had "the look." It was a look that I knew well—the one that said he wanted to say more but was thinking about how to say it.

“Spit it out, Walter,” I said.

Walter took a deep breath before answering. “I’m concerned. The last time Owen saw me wasn’t pretty. He was frantic. I’m wondering if I shouldn’t go in with you.”

I didn’t reply right away. Owen had been taken by his ex, a coyote shifter. He was tortured and almost raped. The fact that my soon-to-be ex-wife, Trudy, had aided in his capture caused Owen to freak out at seeing Walter. I couldn’t blame him. It was part of the reason I hadn’t pushed in coming to see them, but after three months, the need to resolve the matter of the ex-queen was necessary.

“I understand how you may be feeling, and I don’t want to put any undue pressure on the boy, but we can’t keep stalling. Justice needs to be served. What Trudy did was unthinkable. I can’t believe I married her.”

“Sire, you can’t blame yourself. You were grieving at the time and did what you thought was best.”

“But all the same, I should’ve listened to you and my father.” Walter and my dad were the lone voices of opposition to the union. They’d told me not to jump into anything while I was mourning, but I didn’t listen. It was one of my biggest mistakes. “I wish the old man were here,” I whispered.

Walter chuckled. “He would’ve been thrilled seeing Hayden and Owen.”

“He would’ve been gloating, you mean.” My dad always believed in Fate and fated mates. He used to tell me that I’d find my mate, and I thought I did in Ellen, but then she was ripped from me.

“Exactly,” Walter laughed.

I felt the helicopter descend, and I looked out the window. Hayden’s giant beach house was below. It rose two stories, and a long, horseshoe cobblestone drive wound up to the front. Four ornate Grecian columns graced the large wooden doors. The front lawn was acres of lush green grass with neatly trimmed hedges along the perimeter. In the center was a helipad.

In contrast, the back of the house faced the sand and water of the Atlantic. A humongous balcony overlooked the ocean. I was positive it’d be idyllic at sunset, with the rolling waves and the sea birds filling the sky.

The helicopter touched gently to the ground, and I watched our pilots, Aden and Jasper, flip the multiple overhead switches. The whooping sound of the massive blades slowed and stopped. Walter unbuckled his belt and stood before pressing the button to release the side door. I unlatched my seatbelt and rose.

“We shouldn’t be long,” I said.

“Yes, sire,” Aden said from the cockpit.

Grasping the metal railing, I followed Walter down the steps. Out of habit, I bowed my head even though the rotors were stopped and secure. We hurried across the manicured lawn toward the entrance. The heavy door opened, and Mike, my son’s best friend and Walter’s son stepped out. Mike, with his short dark hair and athletic features, was a younger carbon image of Walter, but his demeanor tended more toward a jokester than a serious secret agent. Perhaps the sober attitude comes with age, I thought to myself.

“Your Majesty, welcome,” Mike greeted with a bow.

I nodded in acknowledgment, but it was Walter who spoke. “Michael, where is His Highness? He and the prince consort knew his majesty was coming. It’s out of protocol and highly disrespectful of them not to greet his majesty.”

I smirked at Mike’s cringe at the use of his full name. I knew the young lion hated to be called Michael. Walter knew it as well: it was part of why he did it.

“They know, and well they…. um… well, you see.” Mike stammered and shuffled from one foot to another.

“Walter, it’s fine,” I said, touching my friend’s shoulder before returning to Mike. “Is there a problem? Do they not wish for me to be here?”

“No, sire. Nothing like that. Well, Hayden, I mean his highness, sort of put his foot in it, and, uh, Owen is dressing him down.”