Page 6 of Saint

At about eleven o’clock the boys were just starting to get rowdy and I was starting to think it was time to head home. “Gentlemen, it’s time for me to go home and leave you to your fun. It’s been great getting to know you. Thank you for your hospitality. And Jameson, chances are, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Nice getting to know you Jack. I’ll be seeing you around I’m sure” said Smoke with a curious look on his face.

Jameson looked over and said “Hang on, I’ll walk you home.”

“Got it covered” said Saint, raising his hand at Jameson and smiling as he put his other hand at the small of my back and walked me out the door without giving me a choice.

“I’ll bet you do” grinned Smoke muttering to no one in particular.


The night air was cool compared to the inside of the crowded bar and I shivered as I walked across the deck.

“Cold?” asked Saint.

“Just acclimatising” I said “it was pretty crowded in there. Thanks for walking me home. You don’t have to. It’s not far.”

“It’s not about having to or how far it is” he said as he pulled me around to face him “I’d walk you all the way to Texas if that’s where you were headed.”

I had no answer to that so I remained quiet as we continued across the deck and down toward the road.

“Saw you in town today. Nice bike. How long you been riding?”

“I wasn’t sure you’d recognise me. Twenty years or more I guess. I bought the bike when I landed in the states and travelled all over on it. Don’t use it much around here though. Thinking about having my car shipped over instead.”

“Well I actually saw your ass swinging across the parking lot first. Seeing you climb on the bike was just a bonus.”

I could feel the blush rising from my chest to the top of my head and looked down at the ground in an attempt to hide it. “So were you having some work done on your bike?”

“Nope” he said, stopping me and tilting my head back up towards his. “I own the workshop. I was just enjoying my lunchtime coffee in the sun. You and your bike made it a whole lot better. Brothers are heading to the hospital on the weekend to see Reign. You coming?”

“Well now I know where I can get the bike serviced at least. It could do with a once over” I looked up at him as we walked on “Are you sure Reign would want to meet me? Is he up for visitors? It’s not like I’m family.”

“He hasn’t stopped yabbering on about ‘ambos’ and the funny sounding lady who sat with him. You’re coming! I’ll pick you up.”

“You sure you want me on your bike? I could ride myself and meet you there?”

“No! You’ll be on my bike.” He said matter of factly and not leaving any room for discussion.

We walked the next 100m in silence until we reached my cabin. There were a lot of unspoken words hanging between us. When we got to the front steps, he lifted me onto the top one so we could be eye to eye. “Dublin told me you’re history. Don’t be mad at him. He had to stop me barrelling in here last night and upsetting you” he said evenly. “So I know you know about the MC life. I want you on my bike on Saturday and I’m pretty sure you want to be there. I’ll be here at 10.45. If you’re not waiting, I’ll assume you’re not interested. Okay?” and with that he brought his green eyes and beautiful lips down to me and kissed me…on the cheek. And then turned and walked away without looking back.

What the hell?! Talk about leaving a girl wanting. Holy crap! I just stood there staring after him with my heart pounding and my hooha throbbing. As he turned out of my front gate onto the road, he raised his hand over his shoulder in a two fingered wave and sauntered down the road. I sighed as I watched him till he was out of sight and made my way inside to get ready for bed. That man is fine! This is what I get for thinking it might be ok to have a little fun. And I’d bet my last dollar he’s laughing so hard right now. Tonight is going to be a long night!


It only took me a minute to get back to the bar. I’d already decided it was time to get on my bike and call it a night. I went inside to let Smoke know I was leaving when Dublin spotted me and called me over to the bar.

“Tell me you were not an asshole?” he asked raking his hand through his long hair

“I promised you I wouldn’t be an asshole. Matter of fact, I was so polite, I surprised myself. Matter of fact, she’s riding with me when we go to see Reign.”

“Riding with you? As in on your bike? You said you were maybe interested, not looking for an ol’ lady. That progressed at warp speed! What the hell happened?”

“Brother, I wish I knew. Seriously, I don’t have an answer. I’m going home to figure it out.”

“Let me know when you do. Oh and leave out the disgusting details” he said grinning and covering his ears at the same time.

I left the bar and headed for home. Home at the moment is my cabin on the lake. It’s only a short distance from the bar but in the opposite direction to Jade’s. Our Clubhouse was burnt down a few months back after an explosion. We were at war with a rival club. They took out our clubhouse after we slaughtered their VP and enforcer. The rest of them have been completely annihilated in the last few weeks. Not one of the rat bastards left. There are only a few things left to do to finish the Clubhouse and then I will move between the 2 places as I need to, but for now, the cabin is home.