It’s only one bedroom but is a decent size place and is newly renovated. There is a massive covered verandah with a huge grill and plenty of seating out the back overlooking the lake and this is where I spend much of my time at home. That lake clears out all the thoughts and madness running around in my head and lets me just relax. Tonight however, it’s going to take a lot more than a serene looking lake to clear Jade out of my head. I grab a beer and relax in my favourite chair on the verandah. Unzipping my jeans I caress the hard on that I’ve had since I grabbed her in the kitchen and sit back thinking of all the things I want to do to that tiny woman. I don’t know how she got under my skin so fast but her beautiful face won’t leave my mind. Nor will the images of her little round ass and her tiny hips that swing when she walks and that long, long hair that I want to hold tight as I direct her mouth just where I want it. And those eyes, all hazel, almost golden. I could get lost in those. That was my last coherent thought before I shot my load all over myself. “Shit!” I haven’t let a woman get to me that bad in over 20 years.
I clean myself up and head into bed knowing full well sleep is going to be hard won tonight.
Sleep took a long time to come last night. Unlike myself. Just the thought of that man’s touch had me completely undone in record time. My trusty vibrator barely even got warmed up. So, I’m up early, sipping on my second cup of tea for the morning debating the wisdom of accepting a ride to the hospital with Saint. These men rarely invite a woman to ride with them unless they’re deadly serious about her and I’ve only met him twice. Admittedly, I’m smitten but that doesn’t make for serious. Part two of the problem is that I’m not even sure I can walk into the hospital. The smell, the sounds…all I can think of is death. And the emotions associated with that are not something I’m ready to share with the Hell’s Keepers.
The next couple of days are busy. Our Club house was burnt to the ground a few months ago by a rival club. Saint and Smoke have been burning the midnight oil trying to get the new one built so we all have somewhere to be together again. My bar has served as a temporary place to meet but it’s not the same. It’s not home.
We’re not a huge club. There’s only about 15 of us but then again, Sapphire Lake is not a big town. It is however, our town. We have an uneasy truce slash understanding with the sheriff. We don’t go out of our way to piss him off and he doesn’t go looking for reasons to bother us.
I found the Hell’s Keepers about eight years ago. Having left Ireland after my life took a turn for the worse, I travelled the world. I wasn’t looking for anything other than sunshine and a good time. When I hit the U.S., I landed in L.A., bought a Harley and headed north east with intentions of following along the northern border to the East Coast and New York and then checking out Canada. I stopped for a break in Sapphire Lake and just couldn’t leave. Saint saved my ass from a beating in a bar fight one night and introduced me to the Club. That was it. I’d finally found what had been missing my entire life so I stayed, joined up, worked hard at whatever was available and eventually, through the Club, bought the bar.
This morning, as I admire the clear blue of the lake and the sky above, I’m looking forward to things to come. We should be moving into our new clubhouse in a week or two bringing all the brothers together again. It also means club girls to look at. I haven’t let them into the bar over the last few months. It’s a public bar and letting them in would bring the sheriff around. The clubhouse however is another matter and I know the brothers are looking forward to being able to grab at whatever they want, whenever they want it. I don’t mind looking but they’re not girls I want to be sticking my dick in. They’ve done way too many of the brothers for my liking. Nope, I’ve got my eye on someone else. All I have to do is convince her I’m not just looking for a piece of ass. Louisa runs the bar at the club and she’s something else. Tall and curvy with long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and legs that go all the way up. She’s also smart and witty and doesn’t take any shit. It’s been way too long and I can’t wait to get another look at her. Maybe I can rope Jack into helping me get what I want.
I’m also wondering what’s going to transpire between Jack and Saint. In the eight years I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him look at any woman more than once. We all figured he was getting what he needed somewhere but it was never the club girls and he never brought anyone back to the club house. He’s a pretty good looking guy, so it figures he has no trouble finding pussy to sink into but I’m fucked if I know where he’s doing it. The last couple of days though, he’s mentioned Jack on more than one occasion. He’s even planning on taking her on his bike when we go to see Reign. I’ve never seen a woman on the back of his bike so this has me wondering where his head is at. Jack is stunning and seems more than capable of holding her own in a room full of bikers. She also has a pretty wicked sense of humour. Maybe she’s just what he needs.
As I contemplate what’s to come, the man himself pulls up and gives me a chin lift as he settles beside me. “Best investment ever this place. Nothing like that view and a coffee in the morning. Got some brewing brother?”
“Morning Saint. Yep, it’s on the bar. Help yourself.”
He wanders inside and saunters back out with two cups and sits down beside me to stare at the lake while we wake up. Saint has a cabin just 5 minutes away down river but apparently would rather wake up with my coffee.
“So we should be set to move into the new club house next week and Reign is hoping to be home at the end of next week too. Looks like he’s healing up pretty well. He should know for sure when we visit tomorrow. Just got to find the kid a new sled. Something he can fix up over winter.”
“Can’t wait to get the brothers under one roof again. We’re long overdue for a party. Looking forward to the ride tomorrow too. Figure we’ll leave mid-morning and have lunch at that tavern on the way back. You still planning on taking Jack on the back of your bike?”
“Sounds like a plan brother. Yeah, I was. Why, she said something? She not planning on coming with us?” A look of mild panic crossed over his face with the last question.
“Hold on to your Harley. She hasn’t said a word. But maybe you’ve got her rattled. She knows how big a deal it is to be on the back of your bike. You really that hung up on her?"
“Not hung up.”
I raise my hands in mock surrender “whatever you say brother, whatever you say” I say laughing. “What’s on for the rest of the day?”
“Got a meeting with Smoke at the workshop and then, I guess just get through the day. I’ll swing by for a drink later.”
With that, he took his leave and as I watched him start up the bike I could see him trying to decide if he should go via Jack’s place. One glance up at me seemed to make up his mind for him. I guess he didn’t want to get caught out being hung up on a woman. I laughed and gave him a wave as he headed back the way he’d come in.
I hate that Dublin has me all figured out. He’s right. I’m completely hung up on a woman I don’t even know. When I think about her hazel eyes and that long, dark hair…dammit, I get a hard on that just won’t quit. Just like the one I’ve got right now.
Pushing thoughts of Jade aside, I try to focus on final plans for moving into the new clubhouse. Smoke is coming in today so we can get shit sorted and he can organise people to do whatever needs taking care of.
Smoke and I have been close since I joined the club. He’s only two years younger than me and he’s like the brother I never had. I trust him with my life. He’s been doing it tough lately. The woman he thought he loved just up and left. No notice, not even a reason. He knows where she is but she won’t speak to him or any of us for that matter. He’s really feeling it. Her being gone is eating him up.
Finally Smoke wanders in and drops his ass into the chair on the other side of my desk. “Coffee?”
“Kitty, get Smoke a coffee will ya? He looks like shit and I need him to wake up” I bellow out to the workshop.
Kitty is in my office inside of a minute with two big cups of coffee. Smoke grunts a half assed thank you and Kitty scatters.
“Want to talk about it?”