Page 5 of Saint

After an hour of ‘just being’, it’s time to head back to shore. Hoping not to run into Mrs Kite again, I quickly pack up my board and head back across the street, waving to Old Bert on the way in my gate. I think he spends most of his day on that front porch just watching the lake and honestly, I can’t say I blame the man. The view from here is spectacular.

I take my time in the shower, washing my hair, shaving my legs and doing a little daydreaming while I’m at it. Am I really ready to be with another man? Especially another biker. I mean, I loved the life Pipes and the club gave me. I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. But it comes with risks and I’ve already lost so much already. Am I willing to risk it again? Then I laugh at myself – who’s to say he’s even interested right? Crazy girl.


I load up my arms with snack food and enjoy the late afternoon sunshine on my way to the bar. I’m wearing my favourite skinny jeans with a stretchy Revlon red tank top and a straw hat to top it off and feeling pretty good. I might be 45 but I don’t think I look it and I figure I should make the most of what I’ve got while I’ve still got it.

Jameson is just cleaning up an outside table as I arrive. He looks up and smiles his bright easy smile before raising his eyebrows in question at all the food in my arms. “Just how many people are you feeding Jack? And when are they coming?”

I laugh out loud “Thought you might be hungry mate.”

“That would feed me for a week…or two days maybe” he says laughing “Seriously though, what’s with all the food?”

“I like to cook. It keeps me busy, makes me happy and is an excellent distraction when I’m overthinking shit. It also comes with a problem – more food than I can eat. So I thought I’d share. You can freeze it, eat it, share it, serve it to regulars – I don’t really care to be honest. I just can’t fit it all in these jeans or my freezer. I used to cater all the parties for the Club back home. These days I still love to cook but I don’t have enough friends to eat all the food.”

“Well I might have just the solution to your problem. I’d hate for you to have to buy bigger jeans” he says with a curious look on his face “Come inside and I’ll fix us both a drink and play taste tester. What have we got here anyway?”

“Today we have beef with red wine party pies and arancini with tomato salsa. Both excellent for a pre drink meal or soaking up alcohol mid drink.”

Jameson laughs as he samples a pie and then groans, rolling his eyes back in his head. “Holy shit woman. I can’t believe you’ve been keeping all this a secret. These are fuckin’ fabulous. Where the hell did you learn to cook? And I may just have a solution to your problem of needing someone to eat them. I’ll get back to you on that. In the meantime, eat with me and stay for a few.”

We snacked and talked for about half an hour until we were interrupted by the unmistakable sound of straight pipes heading our way. “Well I guess that’s my cue to leave Jameson. You should be able to offload the rest of these. Pretty sure this is not the safest place for a woman who doesn’t belong to someone in the club” I said as I hopped off my stool.

“Stay. You’ll be safe. I guarantee it.”

I raised my eyebrows in question. “How can you make a promise like that? I don’t want to put you in that position Jameson. I’ll just head home and leave you all to it. Just don’t let all this food go to waste.”

With that, the door slammed and as I turned I walked straight into the rock hard abs of someone much, much taller than me. I looked up at least 2 feet to see a big grey beard and a set of piercing brown eyes looking right back at me. Man number two from the café. He was even taller than I thought, close to seven foot I guessed. I looked right to see the name on his cut read ‘Smoke’ ‘VP’.

“What can’t he promise?” he asked

Jameson butted in. “Smoke, this is Jack. The woman who saved Reign. I’m sure Saint’s mentioned her. Can you keep the boys out for a second while I have a word with Saint?”

“Pleasure to meet you Jack” he rumbled, looking down and then went to stand in the doorway with his huge arms across his massive chest until Jameson finished speaking with Saint, blocking both their entry and my exit and leaving me standing next to a barstool feeling somewhat conspicuous. I decided to make myself scarce and disappeared into the kitchen behind the bar to warm up the food and spread it out across several plates for everyone to share.

I could hear the natives getting restless and was about to sneak out the back door when Saint marched right through it sending me reeling backwards into the island bench. He reached out to grab me, circling his arm about my waist and lifting me off the ground. “No need to sneak off” he said giving me a dazzling smile “come meet the Club.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I squeaked. “I’ll just head home. Let them party.”

“Not happening Jade” he said as he carried me under his huge arm back out to the bar and plonked me down in front of him. I was pinned in place by his huge hands on my small shoulders and as I shuffled my feet, I looked up to face about 15 large, bearded, tattooed bikers ogling me. There were a couple of low whistles and a few stomping feet before Saint held up his hand and Smoke growled – literally growled - and then it all stopped.

“This is Jack” said Saint “the woman who stopped to help Reign and pretty much saved his life. Jack is untouchable. You will treat her with respect and if she ever needs help, one of you will come running. Am I clear?”

Shouts of “Yes Prez!” arose from the crowd in front of me and before I knew it, I had 15 new friends. Drinks were poured and the partying started. After all the introductions, the men peeled of slowly into groups, shooting pool or playing darts and I found myself, once again, on my stool at the bar. Jameson on the other side pouring drinks and me looking at him wondering what the hell just happened.

“Well that went well. Party pie?” I asked, eyes wide as I offered the plate.

“Don’t mind if I do” said a deep voice from behind as an arm reached over the top of me “what’s a party pie?’

“A small pie. Party food”

“It’s amazing is what it is Prez. Have one of these too. Jack here used to cater Club parties at home. The boys are going to love these! Pass them around.”

Saint found a brother with empty hands and put him to work passing around food. Jameson looked over at me and winked. “Looks like we found homes for all your party snacks. Told you everything would be ok.”

I mouthed a silent thank you and went back to my drink. This all felt quite surreal. Familiar but new all at the same time. I actually felt quite at home. Safe even. As I Iistened to the people surrounding me, I watched Jameson work the bar, I relaxed a little more and raised a finger at Jameson for another drink. I pulled some cash from my pocket to pay when for a second time this evening, a large arm snaked around my waist and proceeded to put my cash back in my pocket. “Jade doesn’t pay here anymore Dublin. Put it on my tab.” Jameson just raised his hand in a ‘yes sir’ kind of gesture and handed me a drink.

Saint sat himself on the stool to my right and Smoke to my left. Experience had taught me better than to argue with an MC President so I smiled and said thank you. I felt more than a little small between these two huge men. The next two hours were spent mostly laughing, answering questions about life in Australia and groaning at Jameson’s jokes. Irishmen are almost always funny. Nothing overly personal was asked of me and I decided not to ask too many questions. Club business is always club business and nobody else’s so I left it that way.