“You’re nodding out. This might be quicker than I thought.”
“What?” I ask.
He smiles, “Nodding out. It’s the state between being drowsy and wide awake. The problem for someone on heroin is that you could fall into a state of unconsciousness and never wake up again. This is very dangerous. You could slip into a coma and never come out of it. You die, Princess.”
I try to respond, but I can’t because sleep takes me once again.
* * *
My face hurtsand I can’t figure out why. What is that god-awful smell?
The scent of blood surrounds me, my own blood. The coppery odor burns my nostrils. I can’t open my eyes, my lids are heavy, but my hearing is intact.
“Say goodnight, Princess.”
I’m dizzy and my breath is short. I can’t fight anymore. Any strength I had is long gone. How could she do this to me? Why wouldn’t she warn me of the danger I was in? My last thoughts are of him. I try to hold on for one more look into those gray eyes, but I can’t. If I had known that the last time, he held me would be our final time, I never would’ve let go. I’ve always believed I was on borrowed time, but right now, I’d sell my soul to the devil for a few minutes more. To say everything, I should have but didn’t.
That’s the funny thing about time. You think you have tons, but you don’t. Only when it’s almost run out do you realize you should’ve made better use of it. By then it’s a little too late.
Another slice, more blood.
Lights out.
“Were you aware that Matteo Torres went to prison that night?”
I flash him a confused look, “For what?”
“Dealing drugs. Mercy’s father is not a man to mess with. Honestly, you’re both very lucky to be alive.”
I nod, “I knew Gilbert Madison was a dirty cop. I’m well aware he plays both sides.”
“He did five years. The way I see it, he might have an issue with you. Had you not done what you did, he wouldn’t have been there.”
I nod again not really knowing what to say. He’s right. If it weren’t for me none of us would have ever been in that damn abandoned building.
“We need to check out the location where you had Mercy. I need to assemble a team.”
I stand, “I’ll go alone. I’m not wasting time.”
Max rises out of his chair, knocking it to the ground, and grabs my arm, “I don’t fucking think so. You asked for my help. It will not take long. Calm your ass down.”
I clench my fists and growl, “She’s out there. You’re telling me that she may not be out partying. He might have her? And you want me to wait? I can’t fucking lose her.”
Max stops typing on his phone and stares at me with a shocked expression on his face, “You’re in love with her.”
Shaking my head at him, “No. That’s not something I do.”
He chuckles, “The others are on their way.”
I am absolutely not in love with my fucking adopted sister. That is not an option. I don’t fall in love. I fuck until it no longer entertains me.In love.This fucker is crazy. I am attracted to her, I want her safe, and I care about her. I do not fucking love her. I never will.
A few minutes later he says, “Here they are.”
I glance up at the door and see two men walk in with two women. This can’t possibly be right. He laughs, “Don’t fuck with the blonde. My sister has killed tougher men than you.”