They approach us, and he says, “Nash, this is my sister Mia, Trevor, Hunter, and Jade.”
I nod, “Nice to meet you.” Looking at Max, I ask, “Can we go now?”
Max rolls his eyes, “Let’s go. He’s in a hurry to find the girl he’s not in love with.”
If this fucker weren’t six-foot five, lethal, and holding the key to finding Ivy, I’d punch him in the goddamn throat. Instead, I follow them out to a waiting van. Max waves toward the front seat for me to get in. “Mia used to sit in the front with me, but not since she started,” he pauses, “dating, Trevor.”
I chuckle as I climb into the passenger seat.
Once we are all in the vehicle, Max puts it into drive, “Where am I going?”
I sigh, “Stroudsburg.”
He looks at me like he just ate a spoonful of shit, “Fucking Stroudsburg? That place is a goddamn cesspool.”
Glancing over at him, I nod, “Yes, it is. That’s probably why junkies love it.”
Not all of Stroudsburg is terrible, but the drug problem there is real. So much so, that the DEA has labeled it a high-drug trafficking area. The last place I want to go is to the place where my life fell apart. Walking into that building will be the hardest thing I’ve done in a long time. If there’s any chance Ivy is there, I’ll go. I’d walk through fire to find her. I’m not in love with Ivy, but I do care about her. While my dad is not the primary reason, I need to find her, it is a factor. If anything happens to her, he’ll never forgive me. Hell, I’ll never fucking forgive myself.
After I tell Max where to turn, he glances at me, “We will find her, man. This is what we do. We’re very good at it.”
I nod, “Yeah.”
Blowing out a big breath, I speak the truth, “If Matt has her, whatever he’s done to her, it’s my fault. All of it.”
He doesn’t waste his breath arguing with me because he knows I’m right. If she’s dead, it’s my fault. If she has been hurt, it’s my fault. Anything that has happened to her is on me. The blame rests solely on my shoulders. My mind is imagining him raping her, beating her, I can’t stop it.
“Take a deep breath,” Max says.
I do but it doesn’t ease the pain in my chest. It doesn’t clear my fucking head.
“We will go in first. You will follow behind Jade.”
I snort before chuckling, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
His glare tells me he was, in fact, not telling the worst joke I’ve ever heard.
“She’s our newest, but I assure you Jade is far more skilled than you are. While you may be muscular, she has had hand-to-hand combat training. Had you come to work for me, you’d be trained as well.”
I turn my head to the back when the blonde says, “Don’t think for a minute that we don’t know what we’re doing. Just because we have a pussy instead of a dick doesn’t mean shit. I could take you out in sixty seconds, pretty boy.”
I don’t miss Max’s groan of displeasure at her words.
“Noted,” I say.
“You can park at the bar up there on the right,” I say pointing out the establishment beside the courtyard.
He parks, I go to get out, but he grabs my arm, “Do we understand each other?”
Sighing, I say, “Yeah. Behind the redhead. Got it.”
Max lets go of my arm and I get out of the vehicle, following behind Jade. I don’t like it one bit. I want to run into that structure and find Ivy. I’m not so cocky to think I’m better than trained assassins. Letting them take the lead might kill me, but it’ll be worth it if we get to Ivy.
Staring at the building causes a lump in my throat. The windows are still boarded up. We stand behind the statue and I know it’s not real, but I can still hear Mercy screaming and crying. Max glances back at me, “Ready?”