Page 37 of Undone


Every bone in my body aches. Every muscle is on fire. And my fucking head is pounding. It feels like there’s a damn jackhammer in my brain. I pry open my eyelids but all I see is black. My breathing is labored. Anxiety claws through me like an angry tiger. Where the fuck am I?The van. The man grabbing me from behind. The wet cloth on my face.It all comes back like dominoes falling.

I realize I’m tied up when I try to move my arms and legs, but neither will budge. I’m not sure what I’m lying on, but I’m guessing it’s an old mattress because I feel metal poking into my back. I turn my head and a rough material scratches my face. That’s when I realize this asshole put something over my head.

The sound of heavy footsteps draws near causing my heart rate to spike. I have no idea what this man wants with me. Rape? Torture? Murder? Maybe all three. He approaches me and yanks the hood over my head, pulling it off.

I’m more than a little surprised to see a man in a black suit that must cost more than some cars. He has dark hair slicked back, a huge diamond ring on his finger, and gold chains around his neck. I wonder, momentarily, if he wanted to be a rapper, but I don’t ask. I don’t dare speak. Nash at times intimidates me, but this man terrifies me.

“Good morning, Princess.”

I shiver at my pet name coming from his mouth. One look at him and I know, he may be well dressed, but he’s pure evil. I’m going to die.

He chuckles, “Ready for more?”

My eyes widen, “More what?”

A grin appears on his face. He walks away for a few moments only to return with a needle in his hand. “No, please.”

“It’s heroin. You’ll like it.”

“I don’t do drugs anymore. Please don’t. Do anything you want to me, but please no drugs.”

He inspects my arm, likely looking at my veins, “Do you know that Nash used to be a junkie? Now when he sees you in this state, he’ll be done with you. He’ll be disgusted with you.”

I can’t fight the tears, they fall like rain, “What did I do to you?”

Looking up from my arm he stares into my eyes, “That’s the terrible part, Princess. You did nothing. This here is his debt, not yours. Unfortunately for you, this is what will hurt him the most.”

“What did he do?”

“You’ll never guess who knew I was going to take you and did nothing to stop it.”

“Who?” I ask.

He laughs like he’s having a wonderful time, “Mommy dearest. Can you believe that shit? Some people shouldn’t be allowed to procreate.”

Again I ask, “What did Nash do to you?”

“No more talking. Enjoy the ride,” he jabs my arm with the needle as I try to fight, but it’s a losing battle. The needle breaks through my skin and within moments everything changes. My skin feels hot, I’m nauseous, and then relief hits me.

“Nash. Thank God. Get me out of here.”

He tilts his head and smiles as if I’m an anomaly.

“Nash. Come on. We have to go before he comes back. He’s crazy. I think he’s going to kill me.”

He rubs his thumb and forefinger over his chin, “Good. I hope he does. Then I’ll finally be rid of you.”

Nash flickers in front of my eyes, he turns into the other man, and then back again. I’m so confused. I can’t think straight. Are they the same person?

Suddenly, exhaustion hits me hard. I try to keep my eyes open to figure out who is standing in front of me, but I can’t. I crash.

When I wake up again it only gets worse. The man who appears to be Nash walks over to me with a knife in his hand.

“I decided to take you from him altogether. We’ll call it a death sentence.”

My eyes have trouble focusing on him, but I’m convinced it’s not Nash. He was never here. It was a figment of my imagination. Then the knife comes toward me. He slashes me once. I scream in pain. While I know I should look away, I watch the blood flow from my arm. Another slash to my other arm. Then my stomach. I cry so loud I can feel it in my ears. He doesn’t stop. Why won’t he stop? I scream and cry for Nash. That’s all I want right now. But I know he’s not coming to rescue me. Why would he? I ended things. He moved on. Today I die.