“Yes, because I’m not scared of his fucking penis.” Theslightly frustrated tone coming from the kitchen made Gareth roll his eyesagain.
Sighing, Gareth dropped his voice into an actual whisperthat time. “He kind of is but that’s okay.”
They were probably both right, but I just nodded. “He’s comea long way.”
Cashel was more worried about taking certain steps butcaution was reasonable. A lot had changed for them in a very short period andthere was nothing wrong with keeping that in mind. It hadn’t stopped him fromgoing after what he wanted…sometimes there was just a bit of thinking timeinvolved.
“He has, he’s been very brave too.” Kissing down Gareth’sneck, I smiled as he made a low, happy sound.
“He has. Does that mean he gets special time too?” Garethseemed to think that was reasonable based on his relaxed tone but somethingthat sounded like a spoon crashed in the kitchen. “He’d probably like going toa museum and then easing him into the good kind of special time.”
“Romance then fun. Got it.” Nibbling on his ear, I loved theneedy sounds he was making even as he was planning Cashel’s seduction. “Howabout something like the art museum? They’ve got a new exhibit.”
Nodding, Gareth’s voice got low and dreamy like reality hadtaken a few steps back. “He’d like that, but don’t be too polite. Grope him abit and make him feel sexy too. I don’t think I grab his ass enough.”
And the spoon went down again.
“I bet he’d like that.” Giving him one last kiss, I pulledback just enough to give his lips a peck. “Come on. I haven’t forgotten aboutall you want to learn.”
Education was a wonderful thing.
His head bobbed without him seeming to think about it and ittook his brain a few seconds to catch up. “I like learning with you. Especiallywhen it’s things that are going to get me closer to my spanking.”
He was closer to that than he realized.
Taking his hand, I led him back to the bedroom, sending awink to Cashel as we walked past the kitchen. He was blushing but nodded andlooked almost proud of us. Cashel’s face was always very expressive, but Iwasn’t sure what was going through his head. Whatever it was, it seemedpositive, so I told myself I’d touch base with him later as I gave Gareth’shand a squeeze.
“There are all kinds of things I can learn.” My curiousboy’s helpful commentary had me fighting off a smile since I wasn’t sure he’dmeant it as cute as it’d come out. “You’re a very good Dom to help me learn.”
So cute and so manipulative.
He’d been taking lessons from Brady again.
“Thank you.” Kissing his cheek as we headed into the bedroom,I decided to have him kneel again since it seemed like it would help him sinkdeeper into the right headspace.
But first…less clothes for my curious boy.
Stopping by the bed, I put a thick pillow on the floor andturned back to help him out of his shirt. “Now, you need to tell me if yourlegs or knees start hurting.”
As the shirt popped over his head, I caught his smirk.“There are plenty of places I’m going to make you ache, my curious boy, butyour knees aren’t one of them.”
Nearly giggling, he nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
He was looking so playful, I gave him another kiss andpinched one of his nipples as he was distracted. Just the quiet way he suckedin a breath as I deepened the kiss made me hard, but I knew I was going to bejust as frustrated as he was by the end of our scene. Because neither of us wasgoing to come yet.
I was going to save all that passion for his first spanking.
In just a few painfully long hours.
Chapter 4
Bates was so cute when he was thinking naughty things.
Just his smile was enough to make me feel funny but then itwould shift and he’d get a wicked idea in his head and it would get evenbetter. When my smiling Dom touched me, well, that just took it to anotherworld.
And as his fingers skimmed around my pants, teasing themlower and lower, he made me moan before he’d even touched my dick.