Chuckling softly, he shook his head. “You won’t tempt meinto making you come. I’ve got plans for you later, and not even those sexymoans of yours will talk me into it.”
I couldn’t decide if that was a threat or a promise.
Since that seemed to be a skill most good Doms possessed, Idecided I couldn’t complain about it too much. Pouting that I had a good Domseemed counterproductive in a lot of ways. I might actually talk him into beinga terrible one.
“Your mind has found an interesting path, but I’m not goingto ask about that either.” Shaking his head, Bates looked wonderfully Dommy.“You are one fascinating distraction and I might have to find a punishment forthat.”
“A cage.” Cash’s call from the kitchen made me sigh.
He was smart and seemed like he was going to be a good Domtoo.
That was tragic.
But since I was running into the same problem I had withBates being a wonderful Dom, all I could do was sigh.
Life was hard sometimes.
Bates’s smile looked wicked but he gave me a soft kiss.“Such a good boy for not arguing and such a lucky boy to have two Doms to takecare of him…well, one Dom and one Handler.”
That meant pup stuff.
Bates said no distracting him.
“Let’s see if we can turn that busy brain off for a while.”Bates always had wonderful ideas and getting me naked was his next wonderfulidea.
As my pants and the rest of my clothes fell to the floor, hekissed right under my ear, sending a shiver through me. “I’m going to have somuch fun playing with you, my curious boy.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Yes, that sounded much better than turninginto the cheering section at a football game.
“Such good manners.” After another kiss, he straightened andstepped back. “Let’s see how long those last.”
I couldn’t decide if that statement needed a preemptive goodboy promise or if I should try to look cute, but I was so hard I wasn’t surecute would work. “I’ll be good, Sir, but you’re…well, you’re very distractingtoo.”
Ha, true and it might get me out of trouble if Iaccidentally came.
Cash’s groan from the kitchen might’ve made Bates doubt mysincerity just a tiny bit, but I got another kiss, so I wasn’t too worried. “Ithink Dom Cashel is going to be a bit skeptical sometimes.”
I shrugged. “Brady said Doms could be brats too.”
Bates grinned. “Naughty boy, I’m not always going to be ableto save you when you push Cashel’s buttons.”
I kind of wanted to see what he’d do when I made him crazy,so I just smiled at Bates. “I have the best Doms ever, Sir. I’m not worried.”
He didn’t laugh that time, but Bates shook his head andwhispered, “Naughty boy.”
But I was cute, so Brady said I didn’t have to worry aboutit.
“Kneel for me.” Giving me a soft kiss, Bates stroked mycheek before stepping back. “And no more cheekiness unless you want me toreconsider my plans.”
Oh, that didn’t sound good.
Time to pull out the big guns.