Page 10 of Learning to Run

Gareth swallowed again, looking thoughtful as he glancedover my shoulder toward the kitchen.


“I…Cash is making dinner?” The question said everything andnothing, leaving me to guess what he meant.

“I am going to love spending special time with each of youbut only if that’s okay with all of us. Individual time between each part ofour triad is important, but we don’t have to rush.” Kissing his cheek, I keptup the soft caresses.

My boys had done nearly everything together their entirelife and I knew that wouldn’t change just because I’d shown up with teasingcaresses and some interesting answers.

“Do…do you think he’d be okay with it?” Gareth was clearlymore worried about Cashel, which wasn’t surprising, but I knew Cashel couldhear everything we were saying, so I just waited for a few seconds.


He came around the corner, a bulge in his pants and a smileon his face. “Would I be okay with Bates keeping you from helping in thekitchen and destroying my soup? Yes.”

Huffing, Gareth rolled his eyes. “You never put in enoughsalt. You know that.”

They were adorable.

And mine.

Cashel threw up his hands and started mumbling aboutmeddling brats as he headed back into the kitchen, making it perfectly clear tohis curious boyfriend that there wasn’t anything to worry about.

I couldn’t decide if it’d been deliberate or just theirwonderful way of communicating, but either way, Gareth was shaking his head.“He says it every time unless I remind him. He always tells himself thatthere’s salt in everything in the soup so he shouldn’t have to add more.”

Yeah, that was logical.

“Soup math is weird. The salt disappears to another dimensionif you’re not careful.” There was some kind of magic to it that I’d neverfigured out.

“See? Bates gets it too.” Cashel’s helpful commentary fromthe kitchen had Gareth rolling his eyes again.

“He just needs to add more salt. Magic isn’t something hecan combat just by complaining about it.” Sighing, he glared toward thekitchen. “Kitchen magic is something that should be taken seriously.”

Was he fucking with Cashel or did he think the kitchen wasmagic?

Life with them would never be boring.

“How about we let Cashel handle the kitchen magic and I makemagic with you?” I had some edging to do.

I heard a snicker from the kitchen, but Gareth nodded,wearing an expression that said he thought it’d been wonderfully romantic.“Yes, Sir.”

So sweet.

Taking his hands, I gave him one last peck. “Stand up forme. Slowly and let me know if your knees hurt. You don’t usually sit like thisand I don’t want to forget that just because of how sexy you look.”

Flashing me a grin, his entire body wiggled and made himlaugh once he realized what he’d done. “I did it again.”


“Yes, and your gear is going to be here any day.” ThenCashel would get his turn to dominate our curious boy.

Rising from the couch, I wrapped my arms around Gareth andsqueezed his ass. “I can’t wait to see your pup side come out and play.”

He’d be excited and probably even more cheerful than hisregular self was, but aside from that, I didn’t want to make too manyassumptions. I wanted Gareth to be able to figure out what his pup liked. “You’regoing to be so cute.”

He flashed me another grin before snuggling against me.“Cash says there’s no right or wrong way to be a pup. I’m just supposed to havefun and do what feels right.”

“That’s perfect advice.” Cashel was going to be a wonderfulHandler. “And I bet he said that even if all you want to do is wag your tailand look cute, we’ll be fine with that.”