Lei grinned, relaxing in her seat. Talking to Tussi had always been a relaxing experience. There was never pressure of what she said and shared. If Lei was to be honest with herself, she could see a casual friendship blooming between them. Not one that would force them to talk daily, hang out, and have deep life altering conversations… but Tussi was the kind of man she’d love to talk to every once in a while just for some lighthearted fun.

“Well… I was nervous, I suppose.” The innocence that laced her tone caught Lei off guard. “I know we’re grown, but I don’t do this often.”

“Do… what often? Talk to men?”

“Outside of family and work-related topics, yes.”

Tussi’s expression softened. His smile was warm and voice light when he said, “Well, thank you for switching it up for me. I’ma take it slow and make sure you feel comfortable, aight?”

She wasn’t expecting it to, but his words made her pussy pulse. Maybe it was because she wasn’t expecting such a gentle response from him. Regardless, that was exactly what he’d done. Their thirty-minute visit flew by, and Lei was actually sad when it was over. Before that disappointment could settle within her, she was getting a call from the number Londen often called her from, and that immediately lifted her spirits.

“Hi,” she answered, biting down on her bottom lip.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Baby?”

“I am. You change your mind about wanting to see me?”

“I’ll never do that.”

Blushing, Lei looked down at the cream trousers she had on. “Well, I’m ready to log in to see you.”

“Nah. I need to know exactly where you are. I’m about to send someone to come get you.”

Sitting up, Lei looked around the parking lot, suddenly feeling exposed. “What? I thought visits were only being done virtually?”

Londen released an airy laugh. “That rule doesn’t apply to me.”

“Oh. Well… I’m in the parking lot right across from 201.”

“What kind of car?”

“Maybach SUV.”

“Okay. I’m going to send two. One to bring you to me and one to stay with your car to make sure no one tries to break in it. Next time, I’ll send a town car, so you won’t have to drive that down here.”

“Okay,” she agreed softly, fighting back her smile. “I’m really about to see you?”

“You are. Give them about ten minutes, aight?”

Nodding, Lei released a shaky breath. “Okay.”

He disconnected the call without saying goodbye, as always, and Lei had to keep herself from releasing a squeal. When he asked her to come down, Lei wasn’t expecting this, but she should have known he was up to something. Londen was aware of her past. If he asked her to step foot in Memphis—it would be for a good reason.

The minutes rolled by slowly, but eventually, two police officers made their way toward her. While one told her he was staying with her car, the other told her he’d escort her to Londen. The walk seemed to be just as long. Her heart beat sporadically against her rib cage. By the time they made it to a room with a closed door and guard in front of it, her palms were clammy. Resisting the urge to rub them against her trousers, she opened and closed her palms and reminded herself this was no big deal—except it was. It was a very, very big deal.

The guard in front of the door gave her a nod before turning and opening it. With an ushered hand, he guided her inside. Her eyes made a quick scan of the small room, bare except for the black square table in the center. At the sound of the door closing, Lei jumped and looked back. When her eyes returned forward, they landed on Londen.

He looked damn good in an all-black sweatsuit that complimented his brown skin beautifully. Slowly, she made her way over to him, eyes watering as they remained locked on his. Lei hadn’t expected to be in his presence, but this was a beautiful surprise.

“Londen,” she whispered, clutching her throat.


“Londen,”she whispered, clutching her throat.

For a while, Londen was too stunned by her beauty and presence to speak. Sure, her pictures and their FaceTime talk showed her beauty, but seeing her in person magnified it. He was six feet even, and with her heels, the top of her head came to his chin. She had nutmeg brown skin and slanted coffee brown eyes. It was taking everything in Londen not to kiss her small, pointy nose… and her medium-sized, heart-shaped lips. When he couldn’t resist the urge anymore, Londen lowered his lips to hers. Londen moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness. Her demanding lips caressed his, returning his passion tenfold.

“Mm,” she moaned into his mouth as he took two handfuls of her ass—it was thick… just how he liked. Rubbing it, Londen groaned when she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. After he smacked and squeezed it, she hissed and moaned again, and the reaction had his dick throbbing so hard Londen forced himself to pull away.