“Tell me about it,” Yandi agreed. “They’re both fine but Londen got that BDE. Tussi’s cool as hell, though, so whichever one you don’t pick I’ll be satisfied with.”
Lei’s brows bunched as she looked from Yandi to Mercedes, who was looking just as confused as she was.
“What do you mean, whichever one I don’t pick you’ll be satisfied with? You were only supposed to be talking to them to see if they would get serious with another woman while talking to us.”
“Well, yes, but I like the both of them too. Why not have a little fun?”
“Nah.” Mercedes head shook as she stood. “I don’t like that.”
Lei put the letter in her purse as Mercedes refilled her glass of wine.
“Why not? At least I’m telling her I’m going to talk to one of them. It’s not like I’m hiding anything.”
“That’s not the point. Your intentions aren’t pure right now, and God ain’t gon’ bless that shit. Whatever you think you gon’ get out of this is going to blow up in your face.”
With a groan, Yandi stood. Her eyes lifted toward the ceiling. “You are always so damn dramatic. It’s not like I’m fucking the niggas, and I’m being nice by letting her choose which one she wants first. If she wasn’t my girl, I would’ve been took Londen.”
Lei chuckled, and covering her mouth didn’t reel it back in. “The fact that you think that is even a possibility is hilarious.”
Standing, Lei walked over to the rose gold drink cart to set her glass down. At that point, she was ready to get home to her solitude. She was grateful Infinity wasn’t there, because things would have taken an even crazier turn if she was. Mercedes called Yandi out on her shit, but she’d never been the kind of woman to go back and forth.
“You tryna say you look better than me?”
Lei scanned Yandi’s frame. Yandi was drop dead gorgeous, but her attitude at times could make her ugly. She had walnut brown skin, hazel eyes, and bowtie shaped lips that many men and even some women lusted over. Her features were delicate… modelesque. Lei was confident in who she was and what she had to offer and knew no woman was better than her, just different. Anytime Yandi, or anyone else for that matter, insinuated they were worthy of comparison or competition, it always tickled Lei.
“The fact that you think your looks would make Londen choose you over me, let’s me know you don’t really know him at all.”
“And you do? Y’all have been talking for what, a couple of weeks?”
“Yes, and that’s more than enough time for me to know that man values more than a pretty face, especially while he’s behind bars. Beyond your looks, what have you offered him?”
“This pussy.” As much as Lei didn’t want to, she laughed.
“I’m done with you. Goodbye, crazy.”
“Bye! Let us know when you get home.”
Lei gave Mercedes a quick hug before doing the same with Yandi and heading out. Very rarely did she take her friends’ words seriously. Did Lei trust Yandi enough to think she wouldn’t try her luck with Londen? No. Did she care enough to be intimidated by her efforts? Not in a million years. For some reason, there was something about Londen that she felt possessive of, and Lei had never felt that way before. She couldn’t allow herself to think there was a chance he could be free. It would hurt too much if his parole was denied.
Maybe it was best if he stayed away. If he was free, he’d expect things from Lei that she hadn’t given a man since Steven, and the last thing she needed was to be back in that headspace again. she’d been doing just fine without a serious relationship, and she refused to lose six figures and even more pieces of her heart because of Londen Graham.
Lei had never beenthe type to purposely ingratiate herself with others, but there was something about Londen that had her thinking of ways she could be more pleasing to him. Ways she could make him smile throughout the day. Ways she could show him she appreciated having him, just as much as he appreciated having her.
Perhaps the biggest show of her appreciation was Lei making that three-hour drive to Memphis. It was the first time she’d done so in almost a decade. There wasn’t anything Lei believed could ever make her return to her old home… then came Londen. Londen was a being Lei had to experience. So, as difficult as it was, she pushed all ill feelings about her past to the back of her mind and took that drive, though she wasn’t sure why.
After doing research, she learned Memphis wasn’t like Rose Valley Hills when it came down to visiting people in jail or prison. Memphis visits were done virtually. Even if a person went down to the jail, they still spoke to their friends and loved ones virtually. Still, Londen requested her presence, so Lei agreed. If it made him feel closer to her knowing she was actually there, she would give him that.
Out of fairness to herself, she set up visitation with Tussi as well. Andre had long since been out of the running. It wasn’t anything specific he’d said or done. Lei hadn’t juggled several men in what felt like forever, and she simply didn’t feel connected enough to make time for him. As she sat in her car in the lot across from the large tan building, Lei looked her face over in preparation for her video call with Tussi. He was cool, but their connection was surface level. There wasn’t anything about talking to Tussi that made Lei feel better or replay their conversations.
Her alarm sounded, letting Lei know it was time to log in for the visit. She closed her eyes and pulled in a deep breath before logging in. As soon as Tussi’s face appeared on the screen, Lei smiled. He was attractive in his own right. Her favorite part of him was his long locs. They appeared to come down past his armpits, but she couldn’t see just how long they were. And he had the most seductive, light, almond-shaped eyes.
“Damn, it’s good to see your pretty ass face.”
“Thank you, Tussi. How are you?”
“I’m good as hell now. Why you make me wait so long to see you?”