Wiping his mouth, Londen took a step back. His breathing was ragged as he stared at her. Shaking hands slipped down her perfectly neat braids as she looked back.

“I’m trying to earn you and that pussy, but if you kiss me like that again, I’m going to sit you down on my dick.”

Lei smiled softly and wiped her mouth. The pleasurable assault from his lips had smeared her lip gloss and gotten quite a bit of it on his own mouth. She removed her cashmere coat and tossed it against the table. The cream silk shirt she had on showcased her hardened nipples. All he could think about was her breasts being concealed by such a thin, lacey bra that it was unable to hide the protruding buds.

She was hippy. Small breasts… juicy ass.

“Damn.” His head shook as he stared at her.

Her eyes rolled playfully as she closed the space between them. “You’re only reacting to me like this because it’s been ten years since you’ve been this close to a woman who doesn’t work here.”

“Nah.” Londen chuckled with a shake of his head. Sitting down, he pulled Lei down onto his lap. “I’m not going to let you downplay your power like that. I’m reacting to you like this because it’syou.”

She didn’t need to know he’d had visits throughout the years, but no woman had gotten this reaction out of him.

“You are absolutely stunning, Lei. I’m honored you came to see me.”

“Who are you?”

Though Londen was aware of the meaning behind her question, his head tilted, and he remained silent as he considered how he wanted to answer. If he wanted to answer at all. He was sure Lei was used to dealing with a certain caliber of man, but there was no doubt in his mind that she’d never experienced his breed before.

“Londen Graham.”

Her cheeks heightened as she chuckled and looked toward the ceiling. “Londen, you know that’s not what I mean. Who are you?”

“Do you really want to spend the little time we have together talking about that?”

“Seeing as it’s the reason we’re even able to be face to face right now… yes. I do.”

“Okay. I’ll give you that. First, I want to know how you’re feeling. It’s been a long time since you’ve been in my city. How are you?”

Her body softened against him as she loosened her grip around his neck. “I’m… okay. I haven’t been in the city, and I think not seeing a place or thing that brought back memories helped. I got off the interstate and was here in a matter of minutes, which I’m grateful for. If I can avoid places that bring back memories, I believe I’ll be good. Now, if I were to see them, it would be a different story. Every time thoughts of them crept in, I reminded myself I was coming here for you.”

“For the bet,” Londen corrected.

Her head shook as she smiled sweetly. “No. I came here for you. I have to make my decision tomorrow, but I wanted to see you.”

“Do you have an idea of what you’re going to do? Who you’re going to pick?”

Even though Londen was a confident man, he never overplayed his position in a person’s life. Lei made it clear she wasn’t looking for love, and there was no doubt he could make her feel that very thing. He wouldn’t be surprised if she picked Tussi because he was an easy way for her to win the bet. With Londen, it wouldn’t be just six figures on the line—her heart would be too.

“My heart wants me to pick you naturally, and that’s exactly why I don’t want to.”

Londen hadn’t been the smiling, goofy type. Even in his childhood, he was the serious sibling. Lei, however, had a way of pulling smiles out of him effortlessly.

“You’re willing to deny your heart because the last nigga you gave it to hurt you?”

“I haven’t given him as much power as your question suggests.”

“Are you sure? Because that’s what it sounds like.”

Their eyes remained locked for seconds on end before she huffed and looked away. “It’s not about him. It’s my way of protecting me.”

“From love?”

“From pain,” she replied quickly. “The less people I love and let in, the less chances I have to be hurt.”

“True, but that’s also less chances to experience authentic love. You deserve that.”