“There’s something else,” Seth said. “Maybe I’m overthinking it, I don’t know. But with the other women we’ve shared, I always had the notion that, yeah, we might be having fun, but I knew it’d be ending at some point, right? We’d move on or vice versa, and that’d be that. And I’d be cool with it.”
“But it’s different with Gen,” Sean said, picking up where his twin had left off. “With Gen, it’s like I don’t want her to leave. I don’t want this to end, ever.”
“But that’s just the thing,” I said. “It’sgoing tobe over. Gen is only here for the summer. She’s already been here nearly a month, and she’s heading back to the states in the first half of August. You all know how quickly that’ll arrive; it’ll feel like a week has passed.”
The guys shared a look, one that suggested they knew I was speaking the truth.
I went on. “One minute we’re having this conversation, then we’ll blink and it’ll be a day away from her leaving.”
Seth took a sip of his drink, glancing away as if in thought. “You’re right. But not like there’s anything we can do about it. She’ll be starting at the MET when she gets back to the states but she’s already thinking about her future career at the damn Louvre. You ask me, she’s ambitious enough to get it.”
Sean nodded. “A woman like her with that kind of ambition, she’s probably on the verge of chewing her own foot off bumming around in some lazy seaside town.”
I couldn’t help but grin as I looked off into the distance, thoughts of Gen on my mind.
“Alright, bro,” Sean said. “I know that look.”
“What look?” I asked, being jokingly innocent about it.
“Thelook,” Seth said. “The one we’ve seen a million times. The one where you act like you’ve arrived at some amazing conclusion that your little brothers just haven’t picked up on.”
“Just saying, I think we’re selling ourselves short here.”
“How do you mean?” Sean asked.
“First of all, let’s cut the bullshit and just say what’s on all of our minds—we’re all falling for her, and hard.”
The twins shared a look, accepting that I’d just spoken the truth.
“Sure,” Seth said. “But what of it?”
“Like I said, selling ourselves short. If we’re falling for her, there’s a damn good chance that she’s falling for us.”
“Could be,” Seth replied. “Could be that she’s trying to come to grips with how eager she is to start her career and with how she feels about us.”
“How she feels about us,” Sean said. “As in falling in love with us.”
Seth cocked his head to the side. “You serious? You think she’s falling in love withallof us?”
“I never said that” Sean quickly replied. “But… maybe.”
I jumped in. “I don’t know. Gen’s got a big heart in her, that’s for damn sure, a heart that’s big enough to love all three of us.”
“True,” Seth agreed. “But she’s also practical-minded, not one to get carried away with sentiment.”
“And what does that mean for us?” Sean asked.
“Means I think that if she does give in to love, she’s going to play it safe and keep it focused on only one of us.”
“I agree,” I said. “That’s a big part of the reason why I’ve been expending a huge amount of mental energy keeping my emotions in check. Last thing I want is to fall head over heels for someone who doesn’t feel the same way.”
“So, you think she’ll pick one of us,” Sean repeated. “That brings an important question to mind... which one?”
The three of us said nothing, instead glancing over at one another. The guys and I had done so much sharing over the years that it went without saying we wouldn’t be getting jealous of one another.
And that meant this could be fun.
Sean grinned. “A bet. I think we need to make this interesting.”