“The drinks don’t taste nearly as good unless you’ve earned them.”
I teed the ball, rising and taking a look into the distance. Le Club Provencal, our private golf club, was one of the most beautiful courses I’d ever had the pleasure to play. The Alps rose into the sky to the right, the Mediterranean down below the dramatic cliff faces to the left. The course itself was designed to blend the rustic feel of a French countryside with the neat and orderly sculpting of an American course.
And I was playing the worst goddamn game of my life. The guys and I had spent the evening with Gen, Sean and Seth having returned from their trip to the states earlier in the day. I couldn’t focus on a damn thing, my mind continually flashing back to the highlights of last night. Hell, the entire evening was a highlight.
I imagined Gen on top, her beautiful breasts bouncing up and down as she rode me. I imagined her on her back, my cock plunging into her again and again, her lips wrapped around Seth’s cock as she stroked Sean. I imagined the sensation of her pussy gripping me tightly as we came together, my seed erupting among those silky, tight walls.
“Yo! You there, big bro?”
Fuck. “Yeah, I’m here.”
Seth nodded. “Why don’t you let me cut ahead,” he said, coming over. “Take a sip of water.”
My first instinct was to protest, but I knew he was right. I was too damn preoccupied to focus on the game at the moment.
Sean clapped his hand onto my shoulder as I stepped away from the tee and toward the cart.
“I might be giving you shit,” he said. “But I’m feeling the same way.”
Maybe that was a good moment to talk. I cracked open the cap of a bottle of Topo Chico and took a long sip. Part of me wanted to share what was on my mind, but another part wanted it to remain concealed—my usual way of handling things when it came to emotional matters. All the same, it was eating me up inside to keep it buried.
“What is it?” Sean asked. For the millionth time, I was being reminded that there was no way to keep things hidden from my brothers. “Looks like you’ve got more on your mind than just the fun we had last night.”
I watched as Seth, his attention on the ball, pulled back and swung. The always satisfying sound of the club connecting to the ball rang out, and Sean and I watched in silence as it sailed over the fairway, landing on the green.
Seth flashed us a grin once the ball had settled. “Hope you were taking notes.”
“Nice one,” I said, trying to not sound as distracted as I was.
“OK, seriously,” Sean said. “What’s on your mind?”
Seth’s expression took on a measure of concern as he came over to join us. “Something wrong?” He grabbed his own Topo Chico and cracked it open, holding the cold bottle against his forehead for a moment before drinking.
“No. Maybe. I don’t know.”
Sean crossed his arms and leaned back against the cart. “Not like you to sound so unsure of yourself, big bro.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But unsure is exactly how I feel.”
“You having some doubts about what’s going on between us and Gen?” Seth asked.
“No, not at all. And that’s the problem.”
“You’re going to have to be a little less cryptic than that, Sam,” Sean replied.
He was right. I was dancing around the issue, not wanting to get to the heart of the matter.
I paused, trying to figure out where to begin. “What are your thoughts about Gen? You like her, think she’s insanely attractive, but are you starting to feel like this is going beyond anything we’ve had with other women we’ve shared?”
Neither of the guys said a word. Instead, they shared a long look at one another, the sounds of the waves crashing against the cliff faces rising into the air around us.
Seth was the first to break the silence. “Yeah, I do, in fact. Gen and I had a chance to spend some time together before Sean and I left for the states, and it was good, really good. I felt close to her, and I could tell she felt the same way about me. I was thinking I was crazy, wondering how I could be feeling this strongly about a woman I’d only known for a couple of weeks?”
Sean shifted his weight from one foot to the other, as if he didn’t quite know where to begin.
“Same here. Definitely the same. I’ve been crazy busy with this Hollywood shit so I haven’t had as much of a chance as you guys to spend solo time with her, but I’ve seen the way she is with Bobby. I swear, she’s gotten that kid to open up more in the last couple of weeks than we have over the last few months since he moved in with us.”
Relief tinged through me. “Good to know I’m not alone here.”