I snorted, smirking as I rolled my eyes. “You serious?”

“Sure am. It’s not like there’s going to be hard feelings about her between us, right? If she’s going to pick one of us, we ought to have some fun with it.”

“You think this is a smart idea, though?” Seth asked. “She might not take too kindly to finding out we’re making bets about her heart.”

Sean shrugged. “Not really. Not like we’re trying to influence her one way or another. She’s going to make this decision on her own. Besides, we’re not going to tell her about the bet. It’ll be between the three of us.”

I sighed. “OK let’s do it? Say… twenty-five K?”

Sean grinned. “Now we’re talking.” He stepped over to me and offered his free hand. I took it and shook. Next, he approached Seth.

“I don’t know,” Seth said.

“Come on bro, don’t be a spoilsport.”

“It’s only fun if we’re all three in on it,” I said.

Seth snorted and shook his head. “Fine, fine.”

Handshakes were exchanged all around.

Chapter 20


“One thing,” I said as we drove back to the house. I was energized from the game and the bet, eager to see it through. “I want to take her out.”

Sam glanced back at me over his shoulder from the drivers’ seat. “Take her out?”

“Yeah. I mean, you guys have both gotten to spend quality time with her, right? Seth, you did before we left for the states, and Sam, you had her all to yourself the whole time we were gone.”

“Well, technically. But I was in the workshop half the time and she was with Bobby. We got the chance to spend a few evenings together, but it’s not like we passed the week gazing into one another’s eyes.”

“Still, if we’re going to be betting to see who she picks, then it’s only fair we level the playing field and all of us has the same chance to make an impression.”

“Why does this all sound fishy to me?” Seth asked.

“Because you’re the most cynical of the three of us,” I replied with a grin. “And you can’t see something as simple as me wanting to spend more time with a woman I care about without thinking that I have some sort of angle.”

Seth let out a sharp, quick laugh, as if he knew I had his number. “Yeah, fine. Fair enough.”

We drove the rest of the way home, spotting Gen and Bobby in the garden as we approached. The sight of her sitting among the trees and flowers, sunlight streaming in through the branches, a big smile on her face as she played with our boy made me really feel I was falling hard for her.

“Let me out here,” I said. “Going to talk to her about tonight.”

“Good luck,” Seth replied with a smirk. “Hopefully she doesn’t shut your ass down.”

“Ha, ha.”

Sam stopped and I opened the door, hopping out and making my way over to the garden. The weather had cooled down somewhat, and I was eager as hell to get our plans into motion.

“Hey!” I waved as I approached. Bobby waved back and I smiled.

“I sure hope his non-verbal communication is a stepping stone to being on the verge of finally talking,” I said, excitement building in me at the idea.

She grinned. “Get ready. I’ve got a feeling Bobby’s going to have a heck of a lot to say when he finally gets to it.” We watched as Bobby stepped over to some nearby flowers, brushing them gently with his hand and giggling as they bounced back. “What’s up?” she asked. “You look like you’ve got something you want to talk about.”

“I wanted to see if you were free tonight.”