Shesmiles. “Ah,Iget it now.Here, try this.”Shepushes the fluffy pink dogIwon her earlier tonight into my hands. “Youcan hold this in front of…it.”

AmIimagining that she sounded a little breathless when she saidit?No,Idon’t thinkIam.

“We’regoing to need a bigger stuffy.”



Shelaughs before biting her lip.Hereyes dart down between us to whereIknow she can feel my cock hard as a rock between us.I’mon the wrong side of thirty.Thisshould not be happening right now.ButIguess this is whatIget for denying myself for so long with only my hand as company.Iget one taste of the real thing andIhave aperma-hard-onworthy of an eighteen-year-old.

“Well, it can’t hurt.Ooh, and what if you hold my jacket, too?We’redating, so it makes sense that you would hold on to my stuff for me.That’swhat… boyfriends do.”Sheslides her arms out of the sleeves and presses her jean jacket into my hands. “AndI’llstill stick close, just in front of you.Okay, ready?”

WhenInod, she steps back, taking my hand and leading me away from theFerriswheel and towards the parking lot.

Whenwe get back to my truck, mercifully, without being stopped by the cops for having an indecent erection in a public place, she stops in front of my door instead of hers. “Here, get in.I’llcover you.Unlessthe situation has been…downgraded.”

Ilaugh grimly. “Thesituation is still onhighalert.”

“Really?” she giggles, and her eyes dart down to my jeans again, even though my hard dick is thankfully hidden behind her jacket and her damn stuffed poodle. “That’s… impressive.”

“Thanks.MaybeI’llfeel proud when we get out of here without anyone seeing it.”

“Anyoneother than me.”

“Youfelt it.Youdidn’t see it.”Fuck,Iwant her to see it.Andhold it in her hands.Wrapher lips around it.Squeezeit with her pussy.Moreblood rushes directly to my cock.Shit.Thinkof the damn desert.

“We’vegot to get out of here,”Igrumble.

“Getin!”Shemotions for me to get in to the driver’s seat.

“I’mputting you in first.Let’sgo.”

“You’rebeing silly.Ican open and close my own door, thank you very much.Especiallyunder these circumstances.”

“I’mnot takingmy girlon a date—our first fucking real date—and then letting her open her own damn door.You’renot winning this argument.Let’sgo.”


Didshe notice whenIcalled her that?There’snobody within earshot to hear it but her.AndIhave no right to call her my girl.She’snot my girl.She’sonly pretending.

“Okay, okay.Someone’seven more bossy than usual when he’s onhigh alert.”

“Baby, you have no idea,”Iagree.

I’mnot sure how she takes that because her face visibly pales, so her blush stands out against her cheeks at the same time as she licks her lips.Interesting.

Stillholding my hand, she walks around the front of my truck and stands in front of the passenger door.Sheholds out her hand and clenches and unclenches it in front of me. “IfonlyIknew what to do next.However, does this mechanical device open?”

Partof me wants to laugh.Butthe part of me with ninety percent of my blood flow and all of my control is fixating on the way she’s clenching and unclenching her hand.Theway she could wrap those purple nails around my cock and squeeze me tight.

“Yeah, yeah.Wasn’tso easy when you were shit-faced the other night leaving theGoldrush, was it?”Ijerk the door open a little harder than intended. “Getin.”

“Aren’tyou going to hand me my coat?”Sheasks with a laugh. “Andmy pink poodle?”

“No.You’rehot.Youdon’t need it,”Imutter asImake my way around the truck and climb inside.Whenthe door’s safely closed,Itoss her jacket and the damn poodle into the backseat.Iturn the key in the ignition, and the old truck rumbles to life beneath us.Fuck, even the rumbling of my granddad’s old truck makes me want to get my rocks off.Iseriously have a problem.

She’squiet asIpull out of the parking lot, gravel crunching beneath the weight of the truck.Shestays quiet until we’re outside of town on the road home.Butshe’s not looking out the window at the specks of light from the farmhouses we pass or the yellow-hued road in front of us, lit up by the headlights.She’sstaring at me.Atone particular part of me, where my dick is attempting to drive, pushing up towards the steering wheel.Partof me wants to just unzip my pants and let it, so my hands are free to be where they want to be.Onher.Allover her.Insideher.