Shebites her lower lip as her head rolls from side to side. “Isthis… something that happens to you often?”

“No.Thishas never happened before.”






“Becauseembarrassing myself in a public place—not to mention in front of you—is not exactly my idea of interesting, baby.”

“Youdidn’t embarrass yourself.Noone saw.I’msure of it.”She’squiet for a second. “Andyou don’t have to be embarrassed in front of me.”



Ipress down on the old brakes asIspin the wheel to turn onto the dirt road leading up to the house.

“Tonightdidn’t exactly go as planned.”

“Whatdid you plan?”Shesounds thoughtful.


“Itdoesn’t have to be a big deal.I’mthe one who made you kiss me to impress whoever was going to take our picture with us faking a romantic kiss on aFerriswheel.”

“Idon’t care why you told me to kiss you.Therewas nothing fake about that kiss.”


“Notfor me.”Iwave down at my dick. “Ifinally got a taste of you and this happened.Myperma-rectionshould speak for itself.”

Shelaughs. “Whatdo you think it would say?”

Iglance over at her.Thisis the moment whereIeither convince her to take a chance on me tonight orIcompletely screw this up.

“Itwould say that it wants you.Allof you.Whateveryou’re willing to give.”


“Youhave any thoughts about that?”Iask asIpull the truck to a stop next to the front porch.

Whenshe doesn’t answer me,IknowI’vecompletely screwed this up.Thecontract said no sexual contact required.Itactually prohibited it.There’sa whole breach clause thatI’mabout to happily violate if she’ll let me.Kissingand hard-ons weren’t part of the arrangement she agreed to.Andnow me and mypermanenthard-on might have ruined everything.

Shedoesn’t wait for me to open her door.Instead, she slides out of the truck and starts walking away from me.Bothactions pissing me off equally.

“You’renot heading into the house to go to bed?”

“IthoughtImight sit outside for a bit.I’mfeeling a bit…restless, andIdon’t want to wake up your dad.”

“Restless, huh?MindifIjoin you?”

“Iguess you can crash my solo stargazing party.”