Herface falls. “Yes, that.Ididn’t mean to dothat.”

“Huh.Well, that’s going to be a problem then.”

“Iknow,I’mso sorry.It’sall my fault.”

“Baby, the only problem here is if youdon’t want to do that again.”

“Oh.”Herlips part again in surprise, and allIcan think about is shoving something in between them.Mythumb.Mytongue.Mydick.

“Oh,is right, baby.Whatdo you say we get off thisFerriswheel?Andwe should probably fix your lip gloss.MindifItake care of that for you?”

Herthroat clenches as she gulps.Butshe nods for me to go ahead.

Withone hand still pressed against her neck,Irun the thumb of my other hand along the top of her lip.Catchingthe gloss that made its way above her lips.ThenIdrag the pad of my thumb along the underside of her mouth, catching it there, too.Ipress my thumb into my mouth and lick the gloss off with my tongue.

Shegulps again.

“Perfect.Youalmost wouldn’t know thatIjust had my tongue all up in your mouth.”


“Ikind of made a mess of your hair.”

Shesmiles and runs her hands down the back of her hair, trying to flatten it.Herfingers brush against mine.

TheFerriswheel slides in to a stop on the platform.

“Readyto go?”


Ipush the safety bar up and then grab her hand with mine.Iwalk behind her as we make our way down the stairs to the ground.

“Baby, we’ve got another problem.”

Sheturns around, concerned. “What?What’swrong?”

Quickly,Ihug her, pulling her against me, so the elephant in the room isn’t visible to every single camera phone in a fifty-yard radius.

“Gettinga sense of what the problem is now?”

Hereyebrows pull together, puzzled.

Iroll my hips quickly against her.Myerection presses into her stomach.

Hereyes drop between us and then flash back up to mine.


“Yeah,oh.Canwe get out of here before someone sees?”

“Ihave an idea.”

“I’vealready tried all the ideas.Youknow, baseball.Taxes.Thedesert.”


“It’sflat and dry and the opposite of… curvy andwet.”