Shenods. “Itwas almost impressively bad.Likeit could win an award for being the actively worst cupcake inL.A.Butalas, no other cupcakes are available, so you’ll just have to survive without one.”

“Thisplace is full of cupcakes.AndI’mgoing to find one.”

“Youwouldn’t!They’refor orders!”Selenashouts at me.

“Tryme,”Imutter. “I’vebeen eating greens and protein for the last six months.AndIwill not let that steaming turd of a cupcake be the only cupcakeIremember eating for the next decade.”

“Poorfamous actor who gets paid ridiculously large amounts of money to play dress-up.”Selenaflicks away a mock tear.

“I’mgoing to eat all of your cupcakes for that.”Themore we talk about it, the moreIwant to eat every single cupcake in sight.Fillingup on that much sugar might just be enough to stop me from doing something even more stupid.

Stalkingaround the kitchen,Iopen cupboards and doors untilIend up standing at the door of a giant walk-in fridge.

“Whatdo we have here?”

Selenaslips under my arm and stands in the doorway with her arms out, trying to block me.

“Nothingto see there.Weshould probably get going.”

Leaningback,Irub my thumb against the beard growing on my chin.Ishould probably shave.ButwhenIdon’t need to for work,Iusually can’t be bothered. “It’salmost like you don’t want me to go in there.”

“Please?AsifIcare?Nothingbut vegan butter and soy milk in there, though.Wasteof your time, really.”

“IthinkI’lltake my chances.”Pressingmy hands on her soft, fleshy hips,Ipush firmly enough to make her step aside.Afterunlatching the door,Ipull hard on the handle to get it to open.Thedark room fills with light.Andit’s the prettiest thingI’veever seen.Cupcakeswith icing in every color of the rainbow, tiered cakes decorated like unicorns or covered in flowers line shelf after shelf.Thenthere are the bars.Thecookies.Theballs.

IthinkI’mgoing to eat everything in this entire room.

“Whatdo we have here?Whatdo we have here?”Isay slowly, walking into the bright, cold room.

AsIstep inside, my stomach growls in desperation.MaybeifI’dhad some sugar in the past six months,Icould consider my options and act reasonably.Butnope.

Grabbingthe first cupcake in reach,Ishove it icing first into my mouth, pulling the wrapper back and scraping my teeth along the edge to get every crumb.Thatwas one delicious unicorn.Vanillacupcake with vanilla frosting in rainbow colors on the horn and mane of the white unicorn.Itwas a work of art.Remindedme of my first pony whenIwas a kid.AndIdevour it.Devourit.

“Ohmy god.Ohmy god!Jackson!”She’sjust staring at me, a horrified look on her face.

ThenIgrab some kind of nut bar.Ittastes like caramel and coconut and freaking magic. “Oh, shit.”

Nextup is a brownie.Onewith chocolate ganache on top of a dense brownie speckled with walnuts.

“Thisis the best brownieI’veever had,”Iwhisper lovingly to it asItake another bite.

“Doyou and the brownie need a few moments alone?ShouldIcome back?” she asks me, giggling.

“Yes.Butif you leave me in here alone, know that you’re going to come back to an empty fridge and a man who’s probably going to need his stomach pumped.”

Shenods, her eyes wide and a little horrified. “IguessI’llstay then.”

“Thisis the best brownieI’veever had in my entire life.I’mserious.”

“Thankyou.ButI’mnot sureItrust your opinion.Itdoesn’t seem like you eat that many sweets.”

“Notas a rule.Butit doesn’t meanIdon’t love them.”

“Youhave a sweet tooth?”Shelooks surprised.

“Abig one.Betweenthe ages of six and eighteen,Ipretty much only ate chicken tenders and my mom’s cookies, cakes, and cinnamon buns.”

“Thatsounds like a healthy, well-balanced way to eat.”