“Completely.Mademe grow up big and strong.”Holdinganother cupcake in one hand and my brownie in the other,Iflex my biceps until she laughs. “I’msurprised my nutritionist doesn’t recommend it.”


AsIsavor the last bite of the brownie,Imull something over. “Areyou sure these are vegan?”

“Yup!EverythingImake is one-hundred percent free of animal products.”

“Thisis magic.Whateveryou do in that kitchen is witchcraft, baby.”Takinga bite of the cupcake, this one shaped like a bouquet of roses,Inod approvingly. “However, you do it.I’mjust glad that you do.”

“Areyou really going to eat everything?Becausethose unicorn cupcakes are actually for a seventh birthday party tomorrow.Idon’t love making children cry, but you do you.”

Inarrow my eyes at her. “Fine.ButI’mtaking another brownie for the road.”

Herlips twitch. “Youdrive a hard bargain.”

“Forthat,I’mtaking two.”

Whenshe rolls her eyes at me,Iignore her.Puttingmy brownies down,Ipull out my phone and snap a few pictures of this slice of heaven on earth.Sinceno one saw us coming in to her bakery kitchen,I’mgoing to have to askVal’steam to post something on my social media aboutLadycakes.SelenaandIshould probably take some selfies or something, butIdon’t feel like sharing.

“So, where are we going on our big date?” she asks asIfollow her out of the walk-in cooler.

“Howdoes takeout in the backyard withOatssound?”

Hereyes grow big and the biggest smile lights up her face.Thewoman practically swoons for my dog.

“Itsounds perfect!”

Thankfully, she doesn’t ask me whyIdidn’t suggest something where people can see us.

BecauseIdon’t think she’d much like my answer.


Five weeks. Probably less. Probably a lot less…


Thingsare good.Surprisinglygood.Thepress is loving my new relationship with my elevator girl.AndSelenais playing the part beautifully.Shemight sass me in private, but when we’re in public, the way she stares at me is enough to make me hard.Shelooks at me likeIcould fly to the moon, shit diamonds, and solve climate change all before breakfast.We’rethree weeks into this fake relationship, andIthink we just might make it out alive, with no one being the wiser.

Whenmy phone rings after midnight,Iknow that something’s wrong.Noneof my team calls me this late unless it’s a crisis.Mydad and brothers would never call me after midnight just to talk, not that any of us are big talkers to begin with.Theperson who calls me to talk the most isLily, and even she hassomeboundaries.

Pickingup the phone,Isee my brotherJarret’sface on the screen.Myvoice is gruff, as much from how late it is as from theX-rated dreamIwas having featuring myfakegirlfriend.


“It’sdad.Hefell off the tractor.Jensenjust found him when he came back to double-check something in the barn and rushed him to the hospital.Jacks… he was out there for hours hurting.Andnone of us knew.”

“Howis he?Whatthe hell happened?”Idemand, jerking to sit up in my bed.Thisis the thought that’s always in the back of my mind.Myfamily’s back home inWesternSprings, andI’mall the way down here inL.A.I’llnever be there when they need me.

“Thedoctors are looking at him.Hemight need surgery.He’sgot some broken ribs, a fracture in his left arm, and probably a concussion.Butthey’re not sure why he fell.They’rethinking maybe a heart attack?Butthey won’t know more until they do some tests.”

“Holyfuck.Ishould have been there.”

Ishould have been there.

Ishould have been there.

Ishould have been there.