Liamholds his hands up. “Gotit, got it.Youwant to bealone.”

Reachingbehind his back, he undoes the simple white apron wrapped around his waist and pulls it off.Hewalks over to a small curtained area in the very corner and tosses the apron in a bin.Thenhe picks up a black snakeskin backpack and heads towards the same door we came through a few minutes ago.

“Bye, boss.Bye,JacksonWaters!” he says loudly, giving us one last look before stepping through the open door.Rightbefore the door swings closed on him, he shouts, “Don’tdo anythingIwouldn’t do!”

“Whichrules out exactly nothing?”Selenacalls after him.

“Exactly!”Liamshouts even louder, through the nearly closed door.

ThenSelenaandIare alone in the commercial kitchen.Noneof the other people who rent the rest of it seem to be around tonight.

“Yourstaff likes you a whole lot.”

“Ihope so!Iwant to be a good boss.It’simportant to me.Wespend a third of our lives at work.Weshouldn’t hate it.Noone should have to hate a third of their lives.Thetime we have is just way too precious for that.”

“Agreed.”Iglance around. “Selena?”


“CanIhave a cupcake?”

“Ithought you were on a superhero nutrition plan?”

Myeyebrows snap together. “Whosaid it was for asuperheromovie?”

Selenagrins. “Iknew it!Whichsuperhero is it?”

“Howdid you know it was a superhero movie in the first place?”Idemand.

“Ididn’t!Butyou just told me.”

“Ididn’t tell you anything.”

“Youone-hundred percent, completely, undeniably did just tell me you’re going to be a superhero!Ohmy god, which one?!?”

Shelists off every superhero name she can think of.Theright one is in the middle of her list, but there’s no wayI’mgoing to confirm or deny that.

“I’mnot telling you.Howdid you know it was a superhero movie?”

“Becausehalf of the movies in the past decade have been superhero movies, and almost all the big ones.Itwasn’t exactly that big of a jump.”

“Ican’t tell you what it is.”

“Noteven with the iron-cladNDAIsigned?”

“Nope, not even then.”

“Fine.I’mgoing to assume it’s the worst superhero ever.Yoursuperpower is probably being able to sense expiry dates when you’re cleaning out the fridge.Actually, that would be a really handy superpower.Hmmm, what’s a truly shitty superpower?”

“WhywouldIbe a shitty superhero?Whywouldn’tIbe an awesome superhero?”

“Becauseyou won’t tell me which superhero you’re going to be, andI’mreally not in a position to give you the benefit of the doubt… or a cupcake…”

“Iwant a cupcake,Selena.”


“Istill need to wash away the dirt taste of that last cupcake you made me try.Ican still taste it a week later.Howwas it sour and gritty and it tasted like dirt all at the same time?Makingme break my nutrition plan for that was downright mean.”