“Iknow it’s unlikely, butIcan at least try.Igot all dressed up for this.Ipractically won the lottery booking the one taxi inWesternSpringsjust soIcould have a few drinks tonight.”

“Youdon’t need to troll theGoldrush.You’vegot me right here.AndI’ma hell of a lot better option than that piece of shit grazing your tits and pretending it was an accident.IfI’mtouching your tits, it won’t be an accident.”

It’sa good thingJameson’snot sitting across the table from me.BecauseIdo a spit-take and send a mouthful of tequila soda across the table and onto the barstool and wall on the other side.

“You’renevertouching my boobs!”

Jamesontakes a big swig of his beer, andIcan’t look away from the way hisAdam’sapple bobs and his throat muscles work as he swallows. “Night’sstill young, soIguess we’ll see about that.”

“Youwouldn’t even know what to do with me, kid.”


“Oh, please!Whoare you tonight?Stopfake hitting on me and tell me how everyone is at the farm?”

“Everyone’sfine.Violetmisses you.”

“Isaw her this morning.”

IfoundViolethalf-starved and abandoned whenIwas fourteen, andI’venever looked back.She’smy best girl, andI’veloved her more every single day than the one before.Wecouldn’t keep a horse in town, so she’s lived out at theWaters’ farm ever since.Igo out there almost every day to take care of her, and theWatersboys, includingJameson, fill in for me the rest of the time.

“Shestill misses you.Ibrushed her out for you this afternoon after work.Shewas looking real pretty whenIleft.Justlike her mama.”

“Seriously, what is going on with you tonight?Isthis how much you hit on other women?Nowonder you have so many little girlies after you.”

“Idon’t need to hit on any of them this much,Lemon.Shit, this is the hardestI’vehad to work sinceIgrew facial hair.”

“Rememberthose scraggly little whiskers you had on your upper lip for like a year before you actually needed to shave?Youwere so proud of them.Itwas so adorable.”

Jamesonrubs his hand over his jaw, against the thick line of dark stubble there. “Beena long time sinceI’vebeen shaving.”

Fakinga confused expression,Inarrow my eyes at him. “Hasit?”

“You’relooking real pretty tonight,Lemon.Yourtits look great in that dress,”Jamesonsays, his deep voice low as he leans close to whisper to me.

AmIgoing to try to figure out why dating appMikecomplimenting my boobs made me cringe, but whenJamesondoes it,Ipress my thighs together to stop the pounding between them?No, because there’s no answer to that question thatI’minterested in hearing.

Jameson’sjust being a shit-disturber hitting on me like this.We’veknown each other our whole lives, and we just don’t think of each other like that.Wewouldn’t even if he was age-appropriate.Whichhe’s definitely not.He’sa twenty-six-year-oldboy.I’ma thirty-two-year-oldwoman.Yes, he’s handsome, and he’s all grown up now.Buthe’sJameson.He’sway too young for me to even be thinking he’s hot.

Butif he wants to act like a fool tonight,I’mnot going to stop him.Twocan play at this game.I’mgoing to have this boy running all the way back home toWesternSpringsto get away from me.

Reachingup,Ipush the hair back from his forehead and then run my fingers along his jaw. “You’relooking real handsome tonight,Jameson.”

Heknocks back a pull on his bottle, hisAdam’sapple working hard again as he swallows, and then stares down at me. “Youthink so?”

“Yeah, baby.”Ipress my fingers against his chest and then drag them down to rest on his big silver belt buckle. “You’relookingrealgood tonight, kid.”

Jamesonnarrows his eyes, staring down at my face. “Ifyou’re trying to take me home tonight, you don’t have to work that hard.Justsay the word,Lemon.”

“You’resuch a child!”Itell him with a laugh, carefully removing my hand.So, much for sending him running back toWesternSpringswith his tail between his legs.

Iflex my hand to release the tension trapped in my fingers from pressing against the hard line of his stomach before pushing my hand down safely on my lap.

“Youwon’t be calling me a child when your boots are over my shoulders and my head’s between your thighs.”

“Ohmy god!Shutup!”Myeyes are wide.Mymouth is open.Whatthe hell is happening?Whydoes it feel likeJamesonhas the upper hand here?Andhow the hell did he get it?

“Whydon’t you put something in my mouth and make me?”