“Don’tsay things you can’t take back,kid.”

“Idon’t want to take it back.WhatIwant is to make you come, screaming my name.”

Whenmy breath catches,Jamesonleans in closer.Hestares right at me, studying my face.Heshould be staring at my thighs, all clenched together likeIcan trap his words between them.

Henods slowly. “Youwant to fuck me too, don’t you?”

“I’mnothaving sex with you,kid.”

“Comeon, what do you sayItake you home tonight, babe?”

“Becareful what you wish for.I’mjust tipsy enough to start making some bad decisions.”

“What’sthe capital ofAustralia?”



“No, it’sCanberra.”

“Alright,I’mgonna let that one slide.What’seight times four?”


That’san easy one.Becausethirty-two is how oldIam.AndwhyIdefinitely shouldn’t be flirting—or whatever this is we’re doing—with my best friend’s little brother.Whois six years younger than me.

“Whyare you asking me twenty questions?”

“BecauseI’mnot fucking you when you’re drunk,Lemon.Butlucky for me,Idon’t think you are.Youonly had three drinks tonight.Overnearly two hours.So, we’re all good.”

“You’renot fucking me at all,kid.”

“We’llsee about that,” he whispers. “I’mtaking you home tonight.Yourplace is what, twenty minutes from here?”

“Giveor take.”

“Well,I’mtaking you home.Andthat’s how long you’ve got to figure out whetherI’mcoming inside with you tonight.”

“You’resuch an idiot.”Hedoesn’t know what he’s saying.Orwhat he’s playing at.Butthat’s all this is.Agame.He’sbored, and he feels like pressing someone’s buttons.I’mjust the unlucky woman who crossed his path tonight.

“Maybe.Youcan keep calling me names and go to bed alone.Oryou can spend the night riding my face.NotsureI’mthe idiot here.”

Iroll my eyes at him.

“Youcan roll your eyes at me all you like,Lemon.Butyou should know, it’s only getting me hard.”

“MaybeI’mgoing to find my own ride home.I’msure there’s at least one guy in here who wouldn’t mind taking me home tonight.MaybeI’llinvitehimin for a beer?”

Jamesonmakes a sound that’s either a grunt or a growl, or both.Hepresses his hand against the back of my neck and pulls my face an inch from his.

“You’recrazy if you thinkI’mletting you walk out of here with another man.Whathappens when we get to your place is up to you.Butyou’re leaving this bar with me tonight,Lemon.”

“I’mgoing to tellJacksabout this,”Ithreaten him.

Heshakes his head and smiles. “No, you’re not.”

Shit.Ofcourse,I’mnot telling my best friend andJameson’solder brother about this.Buthe’s not supposed to know that, damnit.

“Finishyour drink.Becausewe’re leaving.”