I’msmiling beforeIcan stop myself.So,Itry to counter it with an over-the-top eye roll. “Justget me a drink already.”

“Yourwish is my command,Lemon.”

Jamesonpresses his hand lightly against my lower back and walks me around the edge of the dance floor to the bar.Sinceit’s aTuesdaynight, it’s not very busy in here.Wedon’t have to wait long before one of the bartenders looks at us with raised eyebrows.Thankfully, it’s not oneIrecognize.So, he won’t rememberIwas here withJameson.NotthatI’mherewithJameson.Wejust both happen to be here.Separately.Independently.Atthe same time.Twoold friends who happened to run into each other.Byaccident.

“Whatare you drinking?Youwant another white wine?”Jamesonasks, rubbing his hand against my lower back to get my attention.

Ishis hand still on my back?HowdidInot notice that?

“Seemslike you’re calling all the shots, kid.Whydon’t you surprise me?”

Henods. “She’llhave a tequila soda with pineapple juice and lime.I’llhave another beer.Thanks.”

Jamesonpays, and the bartender is pushing our drinks across the bar in less than a minute.Jamesonpicks them both up and hands me my drink.WhenItake it, his fingers drag along mine before he lets go.

“Wereyou going to thank me?”

“Wasn’tplanning on it.”

Nodding, he grins down at me. “Thatsounds about right.”

Jamesonpresses his hand to the small of my back again and guides me down the stairs and over to a tall table next to the seating area with low couches and ottomans.

Ipush up onto my tiptoes to slide onto a barstool tucked against the wall.Butinstead of sitting on the barstool on the other side of the table next to the wall,Jamesonstands at the table next to me, his thighs brushing up against mine.Heatradiates off of him onto my bare legs.

“So…”Isay, becauseIdon’t know what else to say.

I’veknownJamesonWatersmy entire life.He’sall grown up now.Talland handsome.Withdark brown hair and the prettiest blue eyesI’veever seen, just like the rest of his brothers.AlltheWatersboys are hot.Andthe cocky grin that’s always on his face?It’sadorably sexy.Buthe’s just…Jameson.He’sthe kid brother who was always tagging around behind everyone, easygoing and cracking jokes.Hewas the little shit-disturber always getting away with everything.

“So…”Jamesonanswers back.

“Howdid you know what my drink is?”

“HowcouldInot know what your drink is?Youalways get the same thing.”

“Whydo you know that?”Iask and then shrug.

Idon’t really care how he knows it, because it doesn’t matter.Jamesonis my best friend’s little brother.We’rearound each other all the time.Ofcourse, he’s seen me order this same drink before.Probablydozens of times.

“It’smy favorite.I’ma tequila girlie.”

Andas much asIlove my tequila,Iwill forever be just a little bit sad thatIgrew up to drink fruity little drinks and not shoot whiskey likeIalways planned.

“Iremember,Lemon.”Theway he says it, slowly, his voice extra deep tells me exactly what he remembers.

ThetimeIdrunkenly did a body shot of tequila right off of his stomach because he was standing the closest to me whenIreached out to grab someone—anyone—after my friend,Gunnar, didn’t sound too excited about the thought of me licking him.Myfeelings were hurt, and soImade a big show of licking the salt off ofJameson’sabs and biting the lime out of his mouth.Notmy most mature behavior, and an incident best left in the distant past.Howlong ago does something have to be to qualify as the distant past?Thebody shots incident was only a couple of months ago.

Jamesonreminding me of that night deserves another over-the-top eye roll. “Funny,Idon’t.”


“No.So, what was the plan here?Youbought me a drink.Nowwhat?”Iask, expectantly. “CanIget back to my night, or…?”

“Andwhat exactly was your night going to include?”

“Oh,Idon’t know.Trollingaround the bar trying to meet someone better than myTumbleweeddate?”
